View Full Version : Design Option Trouble

2008-02-07, 05:52 AM
I have several design options in a project file. When I want to view the different design options, I go into the view properties to tell it which view to show, but the view doesn't change. I have tried hitting the refresh view button, but nothing changes. The only way I can get the view to change is to toggle the show mass button. Does this mean that my file is corrupt or do I have a setting wrong?

2008-02-07, 01:45 PM
Are you changing the design option in view/visibility, under the design option tab? The default setting is "automatic", meaning when you open a design option in a given view, it will show whatever design option you have opened.

2008-02-07, 04:37 PM
No, I'm going into the view properties and changing the option visible in the view under the "Visible In Option" parameter.

2008-02-07, 04:51 PM
The view is control by the visibility graphics like Andrew mentionned. You need to specify which Design Options should show in which view.
Then you add elements to those Options

2008-02-07, 05:13 PM
Thanks, it has been a while since I worked with design options.