View Full Version : Duplicate with Detailing is NOT

2008-02-07, 07:39 PM
...duplicating with detailing!!! It's duplicating without detailing.

I consider myself an avid problem solver for issues ;), but this one has me stuck. A user duplicated with detailing a regular, run of the mill, plan view. The new plan view is without detailing (no annotations, text, CAD import, dimensions, tags, etc.)!! All of the other views in the model work perfectly when duplicated with detailing, except this one darn view.

As always, I ran through "the checklist" to make sure that there was not an error between the chair and the keyboard (98% of the time I can answer the issue this way). I have run through all (I think) of those tests and still have no clue. Can anyone help me think outside the box, review my tests, or give me a good idea about how to move forward?
1. file is too big to post
2. I will attach 2 screenshots (one of the original view and one of the duplicated view)
3. Because this is only happening with one view, it seems isolated (not a buggie bug and not a general problem with the file). I feel like maybe I am missing something very obvious or very obscure...

Here are my steps (generally speaking):
1. repeat the duplication process inside my own local file
2. check VG for abnormalities (in each view): filters, worksets, other on/offs, links, options, categories, etc.
3. check VP for abnormalities (in each view): view range, wireframe, scale, annotation crop, parameters, phasing, view templates, etc.
4. repeat process on a different floor plan view to see if it is isolated or project wide...



2008-02-07, 09:11 PM
One place where I have found missing items is at the detail level box (lower left corner. When I am missing things, it is often because the view has been set to the coarse scale.

I've been duplicating views alot of this lately. Was the duplication done before the notes were added? If so, no drafting information or note will transfer from the first detail to the second. Duplicate with detailing only duplicates details that are present when duplicated. (i often wish it worked otherwise). I have been detailing as a dependent.This places everything on one detail also on the other. I don't know if this is what you want to do. you may be able to hide items in view for the things you do not want on both.

As for your veiw as it is. If you want all the notes from the first detail on the second, you can probably cut and paste them. These are probably all obvious, but I know sometimes I miss the most basic things.

Hope you find your issue- please post how you did it when you do.

2008-02-08, 10:12 PM
Thank you very much for the response pdickman. Unfortunately, I think it is a little more serious than coarse/ fine and a little worse than duplicating before actually detailing. The duplicated (with detailing) view is missing more than annotations, tags, and text...

The view is missing sections, callouts, and detail markers!!
(as well as all of the annotation information)
(see attached image of before and after duplicate with detailing)

Word on the streets is that this could have happened if someone deleted the base level view (the one that you are never allowed to delete or everything goes haywire). But, if this is the case, what do we do now?

Anybody else got any bright ideas? I am still stumped!

Thank you in advance for any help,

2008-02-09, 06:23 PM
Something doesn't seem right (looks like you have something set as an underlay...greyed out). I would:

a) Apply the original view as a View Template to the callout view;
b) Copy the view specific elements from the original view and paste-aligned in the new view. If something's wrong with visibility, you might get a warning;
c) Is annotation crop turned on? Try turning it off;
d) What happens if you duplicate as dependent?
e) If all alse fails, submit a Support Request!

2008-02-11, 09:15 PM
Something doesn't seem right (looks like you have something set as an underlay...greyed out).


Thank you for taking a closer look. The greyed out thing is a CAD import. Long story, but it is there to stay. I love trying to explain to in-house specialist people that their not using Revit makes everyone's lives unnecessarily difficult.

As usual, you are right on the money with everything you said.

a) Apply the original view as a View Template to the callout view;
b) Copy the view specific elements from the original view and paste-aligned in the new view. If something's wrong with visibility, you might get a warning;
c) Is annotation crop turned on? Try turning it off;
d) What happens if you duplicate as dependent?
e) If all else fails, submit a Support Request!

I did all of these and the only thing that worked is duplicating as a dependent and then duplicating with detailing the new view. Even after doing this, I still don't know what the problem is, so I have filed it to support for a little look-see. They have it in their capable hands and I will post if I find out anything interesting. Thanks again for all of your help and suggestions.


2010-02-04, 06:22 PM
Did anyone ever found the answer to this problem. I have a similar issue where I tried duplicating a view with detailing.

I was able to duplicate the view but had a fatal error massege after I tried placing it into a sheet.

I'm working on Revit MEP 2010, and the view I tried to duplicate had some power (receptacles, equipment connections, etc) and wiring in it.

