View Full Version : Section "Depths"

2008-02-08, 05:20 AM
When creating a new section, the dotted green line which indicates the "depth" of the section always seems to start much deeper that I would like it to. So, I can see the line indicating where the section is cut (obviously, because I just created it) but I CAN'T adjust the section depth without zooming out, to enable me to drag the dotted line back to where I want it. Ok it doesn't seem like a big deal, but 10 seconds to regen the "zoom out", then drag it back, and another ten seconds regen time to zoom back in becomes a real nuisance.....
Any ideas?
Is there some thing in the view properties of the section arrow maybe?


2008-02-08, 01:41 PM
Go to the section's properties, and change the "Far Clip Offset" value.

2008-02-10, 10:14 PM
Go to the section's properties, and change the "Far Clip Offset" value.

Brilliant! Why can't the answers to all my MEP posts be that simple!

