View Full Version : Phasing, I'm going to Demo 90% of a Curtain Wall (tilt-up)

2008-02-09, 03:50 AM
So I've got an existing building. We are going to demo 90% of the tilt up wall (lower part). Along the top of it we'll put some channels up there and it'll act like a header. Basically remove the lower part of the wall.

I don't have Revit here right now and I'm brainstorming how I'll remove the lower part of the wall on monday. They are currently Tiltup panels modeled using a Curtain wall. I'm thinking I'll be able to do an opening by face and draw the portion to be removed. Would I be able to set the opening as new?

What would be the 'best' method for me to remove the lower part of the curtain wall?


2008-02-09, 04:23 AM
I personally copy to clipboard, then paste same place, and edit the wall sketch and draw the portion ill demo. Then i will set its phase to be demolished, and edit the original wall to be the opposite of the demolished wall. seems to work with little incident... :)