View Full Version : Architect Changed Floor Elevations

2008-02-09, 07:57 PM
I hope there is some easy fix for this that I am overlooking. The architects original model had the main floor at 0'-0". I copied and monitored all his levels from his original model. Now he has changed the elevation so the main floor is at 100'-0".

But for some reason the coordination monitor seems not to care about this. My level still reads 0'-0" even though everything still lines up fine with the architects. I tried "relocate project", but that doesn't change my floor levels either.

I've done a lot of details and I don't want to go around and change all the level elevations manually. There should be some automatic way to do this I would think.

I've attached a picture if that helps explain it.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

2008-02-09, 08:07 PM
Nevermind. I guess I'll answer my own question in case anyone else has the same problem. All you have to do is select a level in a section or elevation view, click edit properties and change the elevation base parameter to "shared" instead of "project".

2008-02-11, 06:17 PM
What the architect did is simply relocate the project. lookout the help for more info

2008-02-11, 09:51 PM
I tried the relocate command, but that just moved my model relative to the architects, and all my elevations remained the same.

There must be something I'm doing wrong.

2008-03-11, 04:02 PM
I got the same thing about project relocation but your solution worked Jkunle....i hope there are no consequences to that solution?

2008-03-13, 10:51 PM
Are you guys using the Shared Coordinates?

2008-04-02, 10:36 PM
I'm sorry because I find this quite humourous. I had the exact same thing happen not too long ago. Although I can't remember exactly what I did to rectify it, your solution sounds quite familiar and I believe that is how I corrected it. Likewise I had an architect rotate a building 90 degrees, thus causing a pain of rotating text and whatnot individually.

So I don't really have anything to this topic but I wanted to just vent... Why can't architects make these kind of decisions earlier?


2008-04-02, 10:40 PM
...So I don't really have anything to this topic but I wanted to just vent... Why can't architects make these kind of decisions earlier?...Why can't owners/clients? :smile: There all kinds of decent explanations for changes and you probably are just far enough downstream to not be informed completely. Then again it could be "Cause I wanted to"... :wink:

2008-04-02, 10:57 PM
It sounds like there is a need, if your project is not using, Shared Coords.

Have Arch publish Coordinates then you will have to Aqurire those Coordinates. (all under tools drop down) It's scary at first Kinda like when you first used Paper space/Model space in Autocadd....It's wierd magic that takes a couple of times to totaly wrap your head around.

Changing the Levels from Project to Shared is solving half the problem, but If that is all you need it is all you need.

As a side note, the Coordinates do not nessacerally have to be published from the Arch.

It can be a common "real world" point from a civil file or if you "own the location" you can publish them. As long as all disaplines are Aquiring Coordinates from the same place everything should work out.....

2008-04-03, 07:42 PM
Why can't owners/clients? :smile: There all kinds of decent explanations for changes and you probably are just far enough downstream to not be informed completely. Then again it could be "Cause I wanted to"... :wink:

The funny thing is that I knew as soon as I posted that, that I would push a couple buttons! hahaha It was just a vent (like I mentioned). But I somehow doubt that changing an elevation from 0.000 to 100.000 isn't coming from the client. "Most" honestly can't understand/read blueprints.
It is kinda nice to see that you do pay attention, even to these useless kind of comments Steve! I personally appreciate all the time and effort you put into these forums and your tutorials!

As for the comment about using shared coordinates. We do now use them, but like you said, it is hard to wrap your head around them at first.

2008-04-03, 11:05 PM
So I don't really have anything to this topic but I wanted to just vent... Why can't architects make these kind of decisions earlier?


I always feel a little sorry for the engineer when the drawings are changed - you blokes would need the project in a stable condition to do your work.

From my angle we would like stability too (I'm a Building Designer/Draftsman) but with the amount of choice out in the market place, clients often have difficulty making up their minds. They also see something on TV (residential) and that can bring about changes.....not to mention Aunt Mavis has finally seen the drawings after asking for 6 months and now we need a laundry 7 times larger because we just must have a commercial clothes drier that requires a boiler to be sited adjacent to it. You see, Aunt Mavis has our best interest at heart and she saw this once in a castle in England during a holiday 65 years ago and thought it was such a good idea. (ok, I have gone a little overboard)

My point is changes happen and whatever education you can gain for yourself to alter these things quickly can only help. The reason for changes can be amusing although usually annoying - especially if you have quoted a fixed fee.

As far as the elevation changing by 100 feet - sounds like a blunder to me.......either that or a view can be obtained by balancing the building on a mound of dirt and the local approval authority has been convinced this is a good idea.