View Full Version : line with arrow, not a leader

2008-02-11, 06:36 PM
I want to create a line with an arrow at the end. Is this possible? I would like to be able to apply this to any line type. For instance, I want to show the accessible routes to the building or any other type of "path" with a dashed line with an arrow at the end, and I would like to be able to use any kind of line (straight, arc, spline, etc.)
Another method would be to use a leader line but have the ability to change the line type of the leader line from solid to another line type. Is this possible?

2008-02-11, 06:59 PM
Creating a line-based family so you can control both end and get the total length would be good for straight segment. Can't do curves for now
Typical line wont allow end control

2008-02-11, 07:09 PM
I tried creating a line based family, but don't know how to add the arrowhead to the line and have it scale right.
Also, I only had a few line styles to choose from and no option to create new line styles.
So how do I create the arrow part?