View Full Version : Fonts in Revit??

2008-02-11, 08:26 PM
I was just wondering how Fonts are dealt with in Revit? Is there a way to globally change which (.ttf) font is used for all tags, notes, and dimensions? Or do you have to go into every family and change which font is being used?


2008-02-11, 08:36 PM
You can globally change the text font for all text objects in a project, but you will need to edit each family where text is displayed to correct the font

2008-02-11, 09:03 PM
You can globally change the text font for all text objects in a project, but you will need to edit each family where text is displayed to correct the font


So my next questions is...... What is that process? How do I go about globally changing the Font with-in a project?

Thanks again in advance for any/all responses

2008-02-11, 09:36 PM
The fonts are controlled in the Text styles.
1. Create a new text
2. Open the properties for that text
3. In the Type properties (top box) change the font file it is using. Installed TTF fonts are the only valid choices.
4. Repeat this for each "Type" of text you have or use the duplicate button to create new types.
5. Repeat this for all dimension styles.
6. You will need top open each family (tag) that has text in it and change those styles.

2008-02-11, 10:06 PM
The fonts are controlled in the Text styles.
1. Create a new text
2. Open the properties for that text
3. In the Type properties (top box) change the font file it is using. Installed TTF fonts are the only valid choices.
4. Repeat this for each "Type" of text you have or use the duplicate button to create new types.
5. Repeat this for all dimension styles.
6. You will need top open each family (tag) that has text in it and change those styles.

Thanks Chris..... This is what I needed..

2008-02-12, 06:06 PM
What about the font's in the system families like the elevation tags, section cut tags, call out bubbles, and the viewport titles on all the sheets? Is there a way to have Revit use a different .ttf font for all of those families...

I guess some of those are system families and some are annotation families, but either way can all of them use a different .ttf font?
