View Full Version : sheet printing order

2008-02-12, 08:26 PM
is there anyway to control the order in which sheets are printed, so I don't have to reorganize everytime I print a whole set of drawings out?

2008-02-12, 09:11 PM
is there anyway to control the order in which sheets are printed, so I don't have to reorganize everytime I print a whole set of drawings out?
The Batch Printing utility has that feature. That's available from the subscription site.

2008-02-13, 12:42 AM
That's a nice short term solution. Thanks. It says in the readme file that it doesn't support virtual printers like Adobe PDF printer, but it worked fine with pdfFactory for me. It would be nice if I could get it to save that sort order for future printings as well. Works great except for saving sort order and my scaling seemed a bit off when it printed to virtual printer but that might be resolved through settings of that printer. I think I can use it though as it's much easier to change sort order there than shuffling papers or even in Adobe's software. Thanks again.

2008-02-13, 10:25 PM
If you want to do it in Revit you'll need to create a Project Parameter that you manually fill in and sort by this in the Project Navigator... and I think I can safely say... YUCK!

2008-02-14, 08:27 PM
Already have that and I agree that it's YUCK, but it works for working in Revit, but Revit doesn't read that sort parameter (nor provide a way to do instruct it to do so) when you go to print.

2008-02-14, 08:41 PM
blah... I just want the durn Collate function fixed... it has NEVER, EVER worked as far as I can remember, since before version 6!