View Full Version : Drawing List w/ Sheets from other projects

2008-02-13, 04:25 PM
I am trying to create a drawing list that includes sheets from other projects. The projects are not linked; however they are all part of the same Capital Improvement Project for a school district. I have considered using the "dummy" sheet method, but the issue I am running into is that each project has the same sheet numbering system. Therefore Revit will not allow me to create a "dummy" sheet that has the same number. In liew of typing this all as text, does anyone have an elegant solution for accomplishing this.


2008-02-13, 04:31 PM
We use a key schedule to handle consultant drawings on our sheet index. I've also used the dummy sheet method. Both work, but it sounds like the schedule method might be better for you in this case.

2008-02-13, 10:18 PM
Key Schedule! What a great idea... dang, wish I'd thought of that. Can you post an example to get me started? I'm sure I can get it to happen if you can't... and thanks for the idea!

2008-05-08, 04:09 PM
being fairly new to this revit thing.

How can a key schedule be usefull in this instance. Is the key schedule in the associate linked file? Or are you suggesting a key schedule in the receiving project?

an example would be good. I am struggling with this at this time.

2008-05-08, 04:55 PM
Why not link the projects, and specify worksets and only load one workset? (Maybe even put a dummy workset in the links so no geometry comes in).

Then just use your drawing list and schedule the linked elements...

2008-05-08, 05:06 PM
being fairly new to this revit thing.

How can a key schedule be usefull in this instance. Is the key schedule in the associate linked file? Or are you suggesting a key schedule in the receiving project?

an example would be good. I am struggling with this at this time.

A key schedule would really just help as far as formatting and probably be less cumbersome than a text object(s), and it would allow the formatting to look the same as the main project's drawing list (line spacing is more on a schedule than it is between lines of a text object). However you would still have to manually fill out the sheet numbers and names.

2008-05-08, 05:59 PM
Why not link the projects, and specify worksets and only load one workset? (Maybe even put a dummy workset in the links so no geometry comes in).

Then just use your drawing list and schedule the linked elements...

I use this method, works well. Coordination effort would require you to make sure your consultants select a Discipline, Sub-Discipline etc or include any parameters you use for sorting the Drawing Index.