2008-02-13, 07:41 PM
We recently updated or versions of Revit Structure with the SP3 that was released. In the process I uploaded the content that came with that release to our network, and when I took a look at the metic steel sizes I was confused. There are now 2 families for most of the steel shapes for instance the is a "UB-Universal Column.rfa" and a "UB-Universal Columns.rfa". When looking at the families it seems that they have the same sizes altougth the "UB-Universal Column.rfa" families calls out the types as 305x305x97UC and the "UB-Universal Columns.rfa" calls out the types as UC305x305x97. Also the parameters in the families are different. I was curious if anyone else sees the same thing or is it just me, and even better is anyone know why the doubling up of the content.