View Full Version : Trying for the image of the week award here

2003-07-23, 10:18 PM
new render, old project

2003-07-24, 12:29 AM
Nice work !

Gets my vote :)


2003-07-24, 01:12 AM
Aahh I'm sure Z would have considered it if only you had used HIS starry sky. Oh, well what shame it can't make it in? :shock:

Kidding, Z has THE say! I'm allowed 1 useless post a day and I think I just went over my allotment, sorry Z, won't happen again. :lol: (don't go there mistah Jay...) :D

It's very nice, I like the fountain!

2003-07-24, 02:41 AM
ask and ye shall recieve.....

btw, the trim/column material needs some serious tweaking, but the fountain is fantastic, great work!
congrats on the IOTW :D :!: :D

2003-07-24, 11:39 AM
Are you still doing your animation of this job?

How did it/is it turning out?

2003-07-24, 04:21 PM
the animation is about 30% done, we bought another super computer to expedite the animation faster (yeepee for me), so by next week this time it should be 75% done,

then it will go into production which would include still shots of the interior (like this one) with text and narrative and etcetera

it's been fun mostly and frustrating at other times, the animation is too large to include here, and the format is not allowed anyway

by the way chris i am tweaking the columns and trims, i still can't get the feel we are looking for, it's supposed to be colored concrete, but just can't get it to work, the ideal texture was the textured stucco everybody liked that looks great from a distance, but have you tried rendering that up close? it looks horrible

any ideas?

GS Fulton
2003-07-24, 07:07 PM
For colored concrete, I use the #44 stone under the /BMCD2AR3 directory. Looks great. It has some variation to it, so it depends on what kind of colored concrete you want.

George Fulton

2003-07-25, 03:02 PM
Nice rendering.

my 2.3c worth.....that floor is darn good, picks up the light nicely, but the coloumns, cornices and corbels appear a little flat. The colour appears to be a pink granite/marble, and could do with a bit of a reflection, that may knock back the colour texture a bit. If they are coloured concrete, they would be off an accurate and smooth form anyway. When I say reflection I mean just wee tad in the materials editor.

That is a nice floor!

Cheers M

2003-07-26, 10:59 PM
Hey 2 questions I have.
1. How do you make the recessed ceilings?
2.How do you get the the floor to have different patterns or as you have 2 different colors..

2003-07-28, 04:51 PM
1- easy, two different ceilings at different heights, there's actually walls at the sides of the recess, sketch the first ceiling to those and leave holes at recess, make another ceiling at the higher level inside the recess walls

2- two words "split face"

2003-08-01, 03:46 PM
finished working with this image and this is the final rendering to be submitted

2003-08-02, 12:56 AM
mmmmm, niiiice.


2003-08-05, 05:43 PM
After seeing your first image I was convinced that exporting to VIZ would still be the best way to go for rendering (Revit not being quite capable of producing the photorealistic stuff that I would like to see), but this new image is so much better. Maybe I should give VIZ the boot?, I'm just slightly concerened with rendering time, anyone out there with some experience regarding VIZ vs. Revit&Accurender on a time basis - excluding the exporting and importing.
I think you dna should have the IOTW for the next week too. :D

2003-08-05, 05:54 PM
As for Viz v Accurender, personally, I think that I am far more limiting to Accurender than Accurender is to me :cry: But I must say that some of the sample work using ADT4 and VIZ is very nice. The brick material maps are awesome, rich and warm and well, very nice. Either way Revit goes, VIZ or Accurender upgrades is UP.

2003-08-05, 07:08 PM
well since i've worked with both here's my 2 cents

viz handles time amd material much better than accurender, and the resulting rendering looks much nicer, however accurender has the advantage of ease of use over viz, so it basically boils down to which do you prefer, spending more time setting up the rendering and getting better results (viz) or spending less time setting up the rendering and more time actually rendering and getting ok results (accurender)

2003-08-06, 05:10 PM
dna, are you familiar with the Vray rendering engine for VIZ/MAX?
It makes setting up lights and rendering in VIZ a breeze with amazing quality. Check it out if you have some time.
Might be a consideration if you want high-end photorealism, but somewhere there is a balance between time imput and quality of output and that exactly what Revit does - it hits the sweet spot.

2003-08-06, 05:49 PM
thanx carl

not a lot of info there on what and how vray works, seems to be a forum only

2003-08-06, 07:40 PM
There are some samples there, but have a look at www.vrayrender.com for the developer site. To me Vray was to viz/max like revit is to architecture... the obvious solution.

2006-09-22, 06:40 AM
Hopefully someone will still respond to this post. Really nice rendering. Where did you get the fountain and pots with plants?

2006-09-26, 07:28 AM
finished working with this image and this is the final rendering to be submitted

is this revit?//????/