View Full Version : Site/Topography question

2008-02-14, 08:27 PM
I know I read how to do this somewhere, but like a fool I didn't subscribe or print the instructions, now that I need to do this I can't find the post. I have a Civil dwg file that I imported into Revit. I created a topsurface via Use Imported>Import Instance and it seems to work. My problem is that the toposurface is +300' and my elevation levels are at 0'-0".

My questions are :
1. How do I move my elevation levels to my toposurface or do I move my toposurface down?
2. When drawing building elevations I want my elevation levels to read First Floor 0'-0" not 300', how do I do this.

Thanks for any help,

2008-02-14, 08:47 PM
You should either move the topo down first and then move the project up, or delete that toposurface, move the project up, and then re-create the toposurface.

I would probably just move your toposurface down by whatever amount, and then go to Tools > Project Position > Relocate This Project and move the project up by the same amount. Do this from an elevation or building section view.

Then you'll need your level type set to show Project coordinates, which it probably does already, so you shouldn't need to change anything. If you changed your level type to show Shared coordinates, then it would reflect your actual elevation above sea level (however much you moved the project up when you relocated it).

2008-02-14, 10:32 PM
Thanks that worked well!