View Full Version : Problem with priority in curved walls

2008-02-15, 03:41 PM
I have a project that has numerous curved walls. It is the first project that I have done in revit and so far so good. One thing that I have encountered that has caused some frustration is that there seems to be a problem with the priority of parameters with a curved wall. I established my radial column grid. I then drew my curved walls using the intersection of two grid lines as the center and then drew the start and end points. I had made some temporary radial guide lines that started at the center of the circle and were at 2.60 degrees from each radial grid line. When I draw the wall, it will only snap to the first intersection, but will not snap to the second intersection to establish the length of the wall. So, I have to edit the wall after drawing it. When I go to revise the length from 9.803 degrees to 9.80, it shifts the center point for the curved wall.

It would seem that the priority of the sancity of dimensions on a curved wall should be 1) the center point, 2) the radius, and 3) the end point locations. For some reason it does not appear that this is so and I have often had to just erase and redraw curved walls.

2008-02-15, 06:02 PM
Did you check the keep concentric option when chaning the dimension?

2008-02-16, 02:27 PM
I really don't remember. Is this something that is ordinarily not checked by default? If so, that is strange. Wouldn't you agree with my comment about the order of priority with curves? It is very frustrating to discover subtle imperfections like this in a model that has become pretty complex.

2008-02-16, 02:35 PM
I really don't remember. Is this something that is ordinarily not checked by default? If so, that is strange. Wouldn't you agree with my comment about the order of priority with curves? It is very frustrating to discover subtle imperfections like this in a model that has become pretty complex.

2008-02-17, 06:15 PM
No - it isn't cheched by default and not checking ity would have resulted in the error you describe. Just a plain 'ol drafting error.

You can turn on the center mark for curved objects and lock that to a couple of ref. planes to help keep things lined up. Also you can use a curved gid line to lock and control curved items.

2008-02-23, 03:01 PM
I have found out what the problem is and it is a bit distressing. I checked as I remade some of these walls and I had the Keep Concentric checked. I also have curved grid lines as well and a pair of reference planes to mark the center. Here is what I have done: I draw a curved wall by picking center, typing in the radius and then selecting the end points. It only lets me snap to the first point so I have to just click the second point anywhere and then edit the wall length after. I had previously done this by just stretching the end of the wall until it snapped on a point at the radial grid line. Assuming that this may have been the cause, I tried drawing radial lines at where I wanted the walls to start and stop and then trimming the wall to the radial lines. So, here is the problem. Even though keep concentric is checked, I use the trim command and then I select the curved wall again. Keep concentric is no longer checked. I did not un-check it, the program moved the center of the radius and it is because it is trying to join the end of the wall with another wall which pushes it off center. I think that this is a real problem and a wall join should not take priority of the center of the radius. So, I solved my problem by going around and changing a whole bunch of wall ends to disallow join. Then everything worked fine.