View Full Version : Rotated view

Carlos GT
2008-02-15, 06:20 PM
I am thying to rotate a view in a sheet, but I noticed that I can only do it 90 degrees. Is there a way to rotate it any other angle?. Also, every time I rotate the view the view title rotate too, what can I do to avoid this?


2008-02-15, 06:31 PM
I am thying to rotate a view in a sheet, but I noticed that I can only do it 90 degrees. Is there a way to rotate it any other angle?. Also, every time I rotate the view the view title rotate too, what can I do to avoid this?


You need to rotate the crop region of the view, not the view itself on the sheet.

To do this, turn on the view's crop region, select it, then use the rotate tool. Rotate the crop region to the left if you want the view to turn to the right, or vice versa.

Carlos GT
2008-02-15, 06:43 PM
If I rotate the crop region, the whole model rotate. What I have is a big floor plan, one part is horizontal and the other part is inclinated 45 degrees. I want to show both parts horizontal in my sheet, without change the main model. Can I do this?

Andre Carvalho
2008-02-15, 06:54 PM
Duplicate your view, adjust crop region and rotate the crop region of the duplicated one.
Then insert both in your sheet.

Andre Carvalho

Carlos GT
2008-02-15, 06:59 PM

I just found out that I can do this using a dependent view.

2008-02-18, 10:50 PM
You don't have to use dependent views if you don't want to. We did a project long before there were Dependent Views in Revit with a central wing, and then 4 separate wings each coming off at 4 different angles, and we rotated each wing's floor plan view so it would be oriented orthogonally to the sheet.

2009-03-03, 11:38 PM
Once a plan view has been rotated, How can I un-rotate it? I have some views that somehow have become rotated about 0.25 degrees (I have no idea exactly how much). I want to put them back vertical.

Update: I worked it out.
Turns out the Project North was set a minute amount off.
Change views to true north then rotated then via the angle box to type in -90.

2009-03-18, 05:00 PM
I have a sloped curtain wall that we are trying to create plan, elevation, section details of. We want to rotate the plan view of the curtain wall to show the perpedicular detail of the curtain wall, but when we rotate the plan section in the section view you can no longer rotate the crop boundary of the plan section view. Does that make sense? I have attached the details to help make sense.

Is it possible to do this with a plan section or when we rotate the plan section callout will it automatically put the high end up on the sheet?

2009-03-19, 04:28 PM
the problem i'm having right now is we have a bar that is about 10' long, in our overall plan it's in a vertical position, but we want to show it enlarged rotated 90deg

the rotate view feature is PERFECT for what we need without having to do some convoluted round about way of rotating the view, but the view name rotates with it. WHY? and how can we change that? unless i'm missing something, i seem to recall being able to do it in the past a lot easier then this.

any help would be appreciated

2009-03-24, 11:23 AM
I think what you want to do is turn the crop region on in the enlarged view and rotate the crop boundary in the opposite direction you want the model to rotate. This does not rotate the model, but only the display of that view. You do not want to rotate the view once it is placed on the sheet.