View Full Version : I would like to have cutain wall panels and mullions that take the shape of a curved or blended mass.

2008-02-19, 04:30 AM
Summary: I would like to have cutain wall panels and mullions that take the shape of a curved or blended mass.

Description: I wish it was possible to create a formula driven Shared Parameter that is usable in tags.

How Used: We would like to be able to make a parameter that calculates the occupancy of a room and dynamically changes the tag based on the size of the room. For example, the "occupancy load" would be a formula parameter based on the room "area" divided by the new shared parameter of "occupancy factor"

Feature Affinity: Annotation tools

Submitted By: Lisa Brooksher on October 30, 2007

2008-04-10, 03:33 PM
The Summary & the Description don't match for this Wish.
Something get corrupted?

Wish List System
2013-01-15, 03:36 AM
This wish has been reported by a member.

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