View Full Version : Quick Save?

2008-02-21, 02:37 PM
I always use the Ctrl+S to do my saving while in a project. For some reason, the current project i'm working on this has stopped working. If i want to save the project the only way possible is to go File, SaveAs. Is there anyway to get the "Quick Save" function back?

2008-02-21, 03:11 PM
Did you simply closed and reopen Revit?

2008-02-21, 03:38 PM
Yes. It has been doing it for about a week now.

2008-02-21, 03:46 PM
Do you still see the Ctrl+S shortcut listed next to Save in the File menu? What if you go to File>Save?

Have you rebooted your machine lately?

2008-02-21, 03:51 PM
Could you have define a keyboard shortcut that would mess it up?

2008-02-21, 03:54 PM
I have re-booted my machine, and Revit numerous times. When i go to my File menu, the "Save" is grayed out. It is also grayed out on the toolbar. I do now have a "Save to Central" button on my toolbar. This button used to be grayed out but i can now select it. What is this used for? I havent ever seen anything about "Save to Central?

2008-02-21, 04:14 PM
Ah yes, you have activated worksets on that project. I'm guessing you did it by accident. Any other users besides you working on that project? Unfortunately if it's by accident, you cannot revert back non-worksets.

Do you store files on a separate file server or do you always work on files stored on your local machine?

2008-02-21, 04:17 PM
Like Patrick mention you will need to get an accelerated class on Workset. Like he mention you can go back if you already have used that button. But if you close and dont save, that wont enable the workset but you will loose al the work since last saved.
I recommended learning Worksets

2008-02-21, 04:23 PM
The Save button being grayed out means you are in the Central file. Normally a central file is stored on a server, and you do work in your own local file on your local machine, and then changes to your local file are communicated to the Central file when you do a Save to Central.

If you're in the Central file, then Save to Central is the only option available.

If you're in a local file, then you can do a normal save of your local file, or you can also Save to Central to communicate changes between the Central and local files, effectively synchronizing both files to one another.

2008-02-21, 04:51 PM
Ok thanks for all the input. That makes sense, except for the fact that this is just on my local machine. Vertex BD is our primary software, not Revit, so everything I do in Revit is just on my local machine. I am just using it currently for Research and Devolopment. So i am basically just testing out the software. So I dont have any work that is done in Revit saved off on our server. I do remember playing with worksets, not knowing what they were, so that would probably expain it.

2008-02-21, 04:55 PM
It doesnt matter if youre working locally or off the server. Worksets can still be enable on a local file.