View Full Version : Universally Disallow Wall Joins

2008-02-21, 04:37 PM
Is there a way to universally disallow wall joins?

In my opinion, it would be much faster to do this then manually join them, rather than spending hours trying to get my walls to disjoin after they have joined in funny ways, and having to fix them back to where I need them.

Seems like this would solve a lot of people's problems.

2008-02-21, 04:53 PM
No, and i don't think i would want that. Probably 95% of my joins are OK so i'd rather deal with 5%.
Are you having a specific issue?

2008-02-21, 05:03 PM
Maybe it depends on the complexity of the building. If you could toggle it, that would be awesome.

Specifically.... everywhere! I have a lot of multi-story walls that need to touch single story walls, and when they join, it plays havok on floors above and below. Then when you add offsets, materials, sweeps, and reveals.... those have problems with bad joins. I'm spending a lot of time editing joins and modifying profiles by fractions of inches to get things to work correctly. If they just didn't join, I wouldn't have this problem.

I could disallow one at a time, but it is hard to predict which joins will have problems and which ones won't.

I'm dealing with it. It is just a pain in the rear, and very time consuming.


2008-02-21, 06:46 PM
Could you post an example, i'm curious

2008-02-21, 06:56 PM
Could you post an example, i'm curious

i'm just as curious

Gadget Man
2008-02-22, 07:25 AM
Although some consider it not to be the best practice, for a very long time now I treat every storey as a single storey positioned on top of or below another single storey. That goes especially for the external walls. I mean the walls don't cover several levels each - they are separate for each level. Then using base/top extension I make them join with each other - as needed. And of course they can be locked to their counterparts above or below too. At least the walls on the same level clean up much better now...

After all, when you think about it, more often than not they are built like that in the real life too. Usually only the cladding/exterior skin is carried continuously, hence base/top extension offset...

Ning Zhou
2009-11-20, 01:53 AM
reactive this rather old thread.
i encountered a problem which is rather odd, for unknown reason, one of my external wall "joined" w/ another wall in level above, so when i move the wall horizontally (not vertically), the wall above will also move horizontally.
1) i don't know what make this wall act like that, my understanding is that wall join will be mostly and automatically apply to same level, and again, what makes wall in different level "join" together?
2) and seems the only way to fix it -> go to plan view and disallow join, etc., any other way?
3) any global disallow join (and allow join again) available in Revit? if not, then i may have to check if API can fix it.

2009-11-20, 02:03 AM
i'm just as curious

That includes Me too!!

2009-11-20, 02:08 AM
reactive this rather old thread.
i encountered a problem which is rather odd, for unknown reason, one of my external wall "joined" w/ another wall in level above, so when i move the wall horizontally (not vertically), the wall above will also move horizontally.
1) i don't know what make this wall act like that, my understanding is that wall join will be mostly and automatically apply to same level, and again, what makes wall in different level "join" together?
2) and seems the only way to fix it -> go to plan view and disallow join, etc., any other way?
3) any global disallow join (and allow join again) available in Revit? if not, then i may have to check if API can fix it.

Looks like "Align" Tool was used in a Section, then the Lock was activated (Constrained)
Another could have been a Dimension applied, then the EQ was clicked....but after the EQ being removed, user failed to remove the actual constrain.

Ning Zhou
2009-11-20, 02:34 AM
thanks nsinha73, align tool may be the reason, but i don't see any lock, and another wall not highlighted after RMC -> Select Joined Elements.

Ning Zhou
2009-11-20, 02:17 PM
uploaded rvt and jpgs, very appreciated if anyone can point out what makes walls in different levels joined together, seems it's not joined by:
1) align tool
2) dimension lock
3) join geometry tool
4) ?

2009-11-20, 04:09 PM
My guess would be that the wall below was visible when the top wall was sketched and as the second wall was made Revit assumed that their being coincident in plan was important, similar to when floor lines drawn to the face of a wall will sometimes "follow" the wall. I find this kind of behavior annoying as well-- automatic wall joins are great but it should be more clear in what situations objects will get tied to one other - right now it's paramount to witchcraft. Try shaking your talisman at the screen. :)

Ning Zhou
2009-11-20, 04:39 PM
right, typical case of Revit being too "smart"!!!
thanks bregnier.

2014-10-24, 06:29 PM
No, and i don't think i would want that. Probably 95% of my joins are OK so i'd rather deal with 5%.
Are you having a specific issue?

This is almost never the case, unless I'm very quickly throwing a schematic together. In every building we've done, I'd say at best revit gets 50% of the joins correct, decreases with number of wall types and complexity as we delve further in the model. Yes there's a breaking point where you stop modeling and start detailing, but we're nowhere near that point. This Bulgarian project in particular has reinforced cast in place concrete sections as structure with clay block infill, so the wall type changes every 4-8', and with the automatic joining and snapping things are all over the place and any time anything moves any effort I spent wrestling the joins into submission is lost. I know where every wall is supposed to stop and start and where they go, I'm going around the entire building already, I should have the option to disallow all joins. If there's a way to toggle this off (much easier than programming the complexity of guessing joins!!), someone please let me know. If not, this is just a rant - whatisrice, I'm with you.