View Full Version : Rooms and Phases

2008-02-22, 02:27 AM
OK OK - I am going to annoy all the mods that help me all the time with my questions but there just has to be a better workaround than what I am using. Sorry in advance;)

Is there a way to tag previous rooms on a new phase and vice versa!!!!

I know the view layering trick but there are 6 Phases including existing.

Yes, we do HAVE to use phases because the the unbelievable complexity of remodeling a very old and complex Hospital that can not shut down and can not even shut down a department so temporary construction is occurring all over.

Coping rooms from 1 phase to the next sounds good but all parametric power is lost and with 100's of rooms in a phase and 6 phases that is a little too much.

I have thought of room groups with tags as detail groups, tried linking, tried the DWG trick none really help

Has no one at one of the other bigger firms run into this with large renovation projects???

I know that this has been asked over and over, but I am beating my head against the wall with this one. I was the big promoter of Revit in the office and convinced the principles to make the move. They are really questioning the move now!!!! The amount of man power and time it is taking to monitor all these rooms in phases and tags and multiple schedules and now a fake 7 phase to combine completed and untouched existing in to a single schedule to produce check set to prove previous phase room legitimacy and a single schedule is absolutely ridiculous.

Not to mention with 5 views on a sheet just to show a floor plan in Area E on phase three editing the original is a nightmare as well as our views list in the project browser.

SORRY just let off some steam - calm again! Any ideas would be appreciated!!!


2008-02-22, 01:24 PM
What if you were to just copy / paste forward the rooms that do not change into the new phase, from the previous phase

Then add a project text parameter (shared if you want to use it in room tags) where you could identify whether the room was existing, new, renovated, or whatever wording you choose to use.

You could then use the parameter as a filter to exclude rooms you don't want to see in your schedules, or as a sort / group parameter for your schedules.

2008-02-22, 03:26 PM
Yeah that was idea was thrown out there and is actually what were are planning on implementing next week if I don't get any other ideas this week/weekend. It will work but is not pretty!

Thanks for the idea!