View Full Version : Structural beams into walls?

2008-02-22, 09:35 AM
Hi! I have a problem trying to get the right picture of a section through structural beams. I have attached a screenshot where the beams can be seen. The problem is that the beams which are not inserted in walls are displayed correctly, but the ones that cut through walls are displayed with thin line and white contour (the propler one should be bold and yellow, as I have set in the View Template). The structure of the beams is completely identycal. Is there some kind of setting the priority of the elements or something, so the beams display correctly? Thank You for your support ;) :beer: :beer:

2008-02-22, 09:56 AM
Try with changing the CUT LINES STYLES.

best regards

2008-02-22, 02:00 PM
I've played with these settings but it seems like this thing is controlled by something else :S

2008-02-22, 04:00 PM
This happens when you join the Beam with the wall. Yo can use the Linework tool to correct it.
May be some of the Revit Gurus should answer your question.

bets regards

2008-02-25, 12:17 PM
I just figured out why is this misunderstanding with line styles, and in my case it's valid for all structural elements.

It seems like Revit considers that the part of the structural element that is cut by a wall is not in the "cut" category anymore, but in "projection". So I opened Visibility/Graphics > Object Styles and set Line Weight of the structurals in the "Projection" tab to 5.

It works fine so far, but now I have to set the Visibility/Graphics for every different view. And in the views that I have both cut and projected structural elements it gets confusing because they are both displayed with the bold line.

So the question is, why are the parts of the structural elements which intersect with walls considered by Revit as "Projected", but not as "Cut" :| :roll:
I also have attached another screenshot which illustrates the problem.

2008-02-26, 12:13 PM
I'm sorry for bringing up the threat on top again, but this is really urgent for me (I know you hate hearing that) and my boss is probably going to fire me if I don't find the solution soon, so people please help if you know the answer. :|

2008-02-26, 01:44 PM
First dont get fired use detail lines to draft over if the following suggestion doesn't work. Can you use the disjoin tool and select the beams in the wall to un join them. The join is what is removing the lines.

2008-02-26, 01:51 PM
Yes, when I unjoin the column from the wall the lines become proper, but wall's hatch overlaps column's.

2008-02-26, 02:28 PM
Try to lock Symbolic Lines as "contour" of the beam in the beam Rfa and assign them to a subcategory.