View Full Version : Bi-Directional Database Linking Poll

2008-02-22, 05:51 PM
Poll of the same topic

Danny Polkinhorn
2008-02-22, 07:44 PM
Sorry, can you be more specific about where the external data is stored and what type of data it is? Also, are you trying to determine if your building meets certain code requirements?

In general, I like to store as much data in Revit as I can versus trying to link to it. Obviously, this isn't always possible, and in that case it would really depend on what I'm trying to link to.

2008-02-22, 11:56 PM
The program is an idea at this point. Looking for the best angle to attack it.

Phase 1-
Attach parameters to room and area objects to do calculations.

Phase 2-
Doing the math- The calculations would then link data back to accessible parameters to report VIA tags. This data can then be used for more calculations and lookups to determine ADA requirements, restroom requirements, egress widths, etc.

Phase 3:
Employ a set of checks and balances to verify doors and bathrooms etc. meet the code requirements. Do I have enough exits? Do I have enough egress widths? What about the stairs?

And soforth.

Basically extending the BIM much the way structures does with their external apps- but linking back into the model...

Or making all the calculations key and programmatic- having an app install the variables and then reference them to calculate based on them. This would also allow for tweaking and profiling for areas of the country or the world for adaptations on different codes and requirements.

2008-02-27, 09:23 PM
Just found out about the VSTA... SWEET!

Looks like it WILL be possible to load in the back-end 'macros' in .net and keep everything within revit- much like VBA.

2008-02-28, 01:48 PM
If you think that every piece of data that you need is available in the Export (or the "enhanced Export - http://cadappdev.blogspot.com/2007/09/revit-rdblink-enhancements-to-odbc.html") - then it might be reasonable to try that approach.

That said, I've found a lot of situations where the information wasn't quite there ("which Room does that CurtainWallPanel belong to?")... In this case, you almost always need to have an application which can scan the model and update project or shared parameters, so that the data is "more complete". At that point, either scheduling or going external probably works...

I'm just saying - it's hard to get away without an application being involved.

That's my $0.02...


2008-02-28, 02:51 PM
I'm just saying - it's hard to get away without an application being involved.

That's my $0.02...


Agreed. There is no getting around having an application. The 'macros' I am thinking of aren't just one shot deals- I am hoping that Revit will FINALLY open the event handler within revit and support modal forms with the new back-end.

At any rate- it seems it could be kept within Revit (no external DLLs) which may mean (?non) modal form capability.

The app can then scan for key parameters, add them if missing, and populate them accordingly.

Sooo stoked about the new Revit- Hoping I am NOT disappointed.!