View Full Version : Can Polylines or Something Similar be Drawn in RAC 2008

2008-02-22, 07:11 PM
In a cross-section through a site, I had to draw a line representing the slope of a lot, then raise that line by 24ft to show the maximum building height on that lot.

Because I don't know how to draw a polyline (or similar) in Revit, I had to draw a series of short line segments. These lines were dashed and when I raised them into position, the lines had sections at junctions that read as solid lines.

To be able to move the lines upwards, I had to turn everything else off, select all the segments and move them as a whole.

I believe that Revit may not have a polyline function, but is there anything else that could allow me to draw such a line as a whole line (rather than segments) and that would read as a continuous dashed line rather than a series of dashes and solid sections?


cliff collins
2008-02-22, 07:57 PM
make the lines into a group--move the group


2008-02-23, 06:37 AM
Or TAB-Select chain of linear elements and move them where you want.

2008-02-23, 07:33 AM
Or tap select Offset without copy
or tap select Draw Pick option Offset
if you tap select between the vertex of two lines the blue filled dot changes to a non filled Dot
you can now stretch the vertex like a polyline

2008-02-23, 04:19 PM

I think you've solved the problem for me. Thanks!! It still would be nice to have a simple polyline function, but maybe that will come. Creating the group at least gives me the ability to move the bunch of line segments as a single unit and it seems to have made the line consistent in its display - it's no longer patches of solid and dashed lines.

Now if only there was an easy way to divide lines??

Frank Young

2008-02-23, 04:25 PM

Now if only there was an easy way to divide lines??

Frank Young

You can use the "split" tool to divide a line.

2008-02-24, 05:47 AM
You can use the "split" tool to divide a line.

But only to divide it in two, if I am not mistaken.

2008-02-24, 04:09 PM
You can also use a blank transparent filled region in the drawing, if you want the lines to always remain together. The pull tabs will still let you screw it off if youre not careful, but just use an invisibile line in the sketch where you dont want to see the lines, and the proper line type when you DO want to see them...