View Full Version : wall not being cut in plan

2008-02-22, 09:31 PM
I have a wall that is 5' high, and my view range is set to cut at 4'. My floor plans don't show the wall being cut.
What's up with this?

Andre Carvalho
2008-02-22, 09:44 PM
Have you looked at this thread?


I think your solution is there.

Andre Carvalho

2008-02-22, 09:48 PM
Thanks for the quick reply.
Seriously though, I have to have a work around for this situation? That's ridiculous.
I'll be sending this off to support as a bug.

2008-02-23, 04:41 PM
It's not a bug.

To get it to show as cut, set the top extent to be the next level up and then give it a top offset. So for example if the base is set for Level 1, the top as Level 2 and they are 10' apart, set the top offset as -5'-0" and the wall will be 5'-0" high and show as cut in plan.

2008-02-24, 05:41 PM
Maybe not a bug, per say, but not the intuitive way of doing it. If I were to tell someone to go build the wall I wouldn't say, "that wall is -5' offset from the level 2 datum line". I would say, " build that wall 5' tall.":)
Not sure why Revit will show the wall as cut if you tell it an offset, but not cut if you tell it a height?

2008-02-24, 09:51 PM
Walls were/are designed to not show cut if their height is less or equal to 6'-0" if that is entered explicitly. That was a decision taken by the founders of the software who wanted to automate as much as possible. A 5'-0" wall is a partial height wall and typically represented as not cut in plan. If you want to show it cut (as long as the cut plane intersects it), set the top constraint to the next level or the same level as the base, and then type in the correct offset. So if you place it on level 1 with a top offset of level 1, type the top offset as 5'-0" (I like this better than the negative offset).

Take a look at this post (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=364)to see that this has always been part of the software. Is it documented properly? I'd say no and it should be. Where's Mr. Jeff Hanson? :)