View Full Version : Opening vs. Ramp

2008-02-22, 11:56 PM
I should start by noting that I am new with Revit and learned through the programs tutorial

I am drawing the parking levels of a building, and show a vehicular ramp going up from Level 1 to Level 2. I use the 'shaft opeing' comand to cut an opening through Level 2 - floor slab. I noticed that the ramp is deleted when the opening is done.

How can I do this opening through the floor so the ramp stays in the drawings too?


Alex Page
2008-02-23, 12:40 AM
Instead of doing a shaft (which cuts through everything), select your floor, 'edit' it and raw lines around where you want the opening to be

2008-02-26, 07:12 PM
Thanks for the tip.
Is your suggestion like what you do for roof openings?
Thanks again

Alex Page
2008-02-26, 08:03 PM
Yep, if you like, but you may have to be careful with using it with the roof, it may not cut vertically, whereas the 'opening' tool has the option to.

but looking back at your original post, I now realise you were using the 'create shaft opening' - which one would use for, say, a vertical void that goes up throughout your building (say, lift void, or services void) - you should be able to use the 'opening' 'pick a face of a roof, floor....' tool to do what you required.

Advantages of using the opening tool is you can edit it/ push/ pull it more easily than using the floor/ edit route (same for roofs)