View Full Version : Mass offset parameter in schedule

2008-02-24, 12:27 AM
I am trying to create a urban planning template.
For that I want to be able to include the Mass offset parameter in the mass schedule.
I cannot figure out how.
Any help?

2008-03-01, 04:05 PM
Assuming your talking of a vertical offset, if you want it automatic, you'd have to create & build it into your massing familes, and use them only in your massing project.

Within the family editor go to an elevation view, add a reference plane, dimension it to the ref level, and add a shared instance parameter, i.e. "Mass Offset". Then use this reference plane as the work plane when building your mass.

Then when placing the masses, be sure to use your custom parameter to raise and lower them, and the default Offset parameter remains at zero.