View Full Version : Dual Monitors

2008-02-27, 08:19 AM
Does anyone know if RAC 2009 has dual monitor capability?

2008-02-27, 03:12 PM
Sort of: the only thing you can do is drag the browser panel into the 2nd monitor. If you open a new file you have to reset the browser panel.

That's using a basic setting of dual independent displays. If you spanned the view over both monitors you'd have something completely different. Nudge nudge wink wink.

2008-02-27, 03:22 PM
Sort of: the only thing you can do is drag the browser panel into the 2nd monitor. If you open a new file you have to reset the browser panel.

That's using a basic setting of dual independent displays. If you spanned the view over both monitors you'd have something completely different. Nudge nudge wink wink.

I was thinking of having a different view on each monitor. I suppose I could tile the views and then spread them over two monitors so one view was on one monitor and another view on the other.

2008-02-27, 03:38 PM
In your graphic card settings you can set it that the windows maximizes in each monitor without spreading over both monitors. Each monitor will have it's own Revit view.

2008-02-27, 04:18 PM
In your graphic card settings you can set it that the windows maximizes in each monitor without spreading over both monitors. Each monitor will have it's own Revit view.

But that would require running 2 sessions of Revit. Something your average desktop has trouble with. I'm also having "issues" with Revit while it's stretched across 2 screens. Occasionally, when switching between views my Revit window, nothing else, just the Revit window will get all scrambled and the only way to remedy it is to grab the edge and stretch the window a bit. Think a better video card will solve this? I just have a basic Radeon 256mb card that came with my new Dell. I'm trying to convice my IT guy to get me an entry level FireGL. Think this would make a convincing argument?

Andre Carvalho
2008-02-27, 06:53 PM
As you can see in the picture, I''ve used one Revit session on dual monitors, spreading my views on both monitors with no problems at all. Very helpful to have the plan and the 3D model at the same time.

Sorry I couldn't find the bigger version of this picture, so you can see it better.

Andre Carvalho

2008-02-27, 07:54 PM
I've been using dual monitors for quite some time. Revit runs better if it's on the monitor set to primary. For me that's on the left side, so most of the time I have Revit on the left and everything else on the right.

Occasionally when working on a complicated project, I might span Revit across both screen and look at several views at once. It's helpful to see what's going on, but you spend alot of time moving and resizing windows to make it fit where you want it.

My ideal method would be to have Revit be able to span both screens, and then when you hit the maximize button on an individual view window, it would maximize to fill the space on either one screen or the other, and not span across both. It looks pretty weird when you have one view bridging the physical separation distance between each display.

2008-02-28, 09:39 AM
But that would require running 2 sessions of Revit. Something your average desktop has trouble with. I'm also having "issues" with Revit while it's stretched across 2 screens. Occasionally, when switching between views my Revit window, nothing else, just the Revit window will get all scrambled and the only way to remedy it is to grab the edge and stretch the window a bit. Think a better video card will solve this? I just have a basic Radeon 256mb card that came with my new Dell. I'm trying to convice my IT guy to get me an entry level FireGL. Think this would make a convincing argument?

Check out the link or pdf and copy these settings to your videocard. And make sure one Revit session is spanned over 2 monitors. You don't need to have 2 revit sessions running.


2008-02-28, 01:43 PM
Check out the link or pdf and copy these settings to your videocard. And make sure one Revit session is spanned over 2 monitors. You don't need to have 2 revit sessions running.


I can do that already without changing any video card settings. Unfortunately It's not really maximized on both screens. All you do is tile your view windows and in doing that, the window on the left shows up on the monitor on the right so you don't really have each view maximized on each screen. Compare the screen cap to the pic of the monitors.

2008-02-28, 03:49 PM
UltraMon is a program I've used in the past for dual monitors (I have a 24" now). It will give you a task bar for each monitor, you'll be able to maximize windows in each monitor or maximize one window across both monitors. It has a lot of other features as well, you can even take your background and stretch it across both monitors.

Here is a link to the site, it's a 30 day trial, but it might be worth it to buy if you use dual monitors a lot.


2008-02-28, 05:18 PM
Check out the link or pdf and copy these settings to your videocard. And make sure one Revit session is spanned over 2 monitors. You don't need to have 2 revit sessions running.


oh sweet I didn't know that was possible with just video card settings.

That's really exactly what I was talking about in my post above. When you hit the Maximize button of a view window, it will maximize to one screen only w/o spanning both.

But it would still be nice if the we could make the child windows not span multiple monitors when using the Tile windows function.