View Full Version : Blyth Road

2008-02-28, 09:56 AM
This room may look familiar to some if you've attended any adsk webcasts in the last year or so. While I didn't create the model, I did download the furniture and create many of the materials and also setup the lighting and render setting for mr. I've been using this to play around with certain "features" in Max Design 2009...

Had to zip it as its a rather large png file. Render time was about 1hr 4mins on my intel core 2 @2.16ghz laptop. That of course is due to cranked settings for best results and a large size to see everything in the scene. Its not much but its the first time I've really had a chance to push mr and see what I can do with it. I'd love to answer any questions if they are out there (provided I won't break nda).

I was also beginning to wonder if I was going to get around to posting this today or not. the morning was spent battling bsod's and check disk time lag and the rest of the day was sucked up with life.

2008-02-28, 04:07 PM
that's really nice! what's up with the tree outside? it looks over-saturated...

2008-02-28, 07:18 PM
Well, its one of the ootb trees that come with max and probably using the wrong materials. I just threw it in for the hellofit...

2008-02-28, 08:20 PM
Ah, I see.. makes sense. I like how the white outside environment; intentional or not, it looks more realistic that way -- with a proper exposure indoors, it'll blow out the bright outside (unless of course, it's an HDR image). I noticed the reflection of the tree on the table too. This is a great piece Steve!

2008-02-28, 08:49 PM
Thanks! I had a lot of fun with it.

2008-02-29, 03:16 PM

What are your image sampling settings? In noticed there a couple of thing getting cut off. OOPS...great image by the way....should have started with that!

Also...if you guys want a really great way to add specualr bloom...put a Glare(Lume) shader in the Output slot for Camera Shaders. Adds a really, really nice effect.

2008-03-04, 03:38 PM
Very slick, indeed! Did you happen to use the MR portal? I agree with the "blown-out" exterior comments too. Exposure is one of those subtleties that I happen to dig (even if the architects want to see kids playing with balloons outside :wink: ). A little "love glow" (bloom) would be a nice touch...

2008-03-07, 05:45 AM

What are your image sampling settings? In noticed there a couple of thing getting cut off. OOPS...great image by the way....should have started with that!

Also...if you guys want a really great way to add specular bloom...put a Glare(Lume) shader in the Output slot for Camera Shaders. Adds a really, really nice effect.
I will give the glare a try when I go to bed tonight to see how that works out in addition to dropping the tree (yuck). I used a sampling of 4 min/16max.

Very slick, indeed! Did you happen to use the MR portal? I agree with the "blown-out" exterior comments too. Exposure is one of those subtleties that I happen to dig (even if the architects want to see kids playing with balloons outside :wink: ). A little "love glow" (bloom) would be a nice touch...Yes, I used a mr daylight system with a single mr sky portal. I realized that just this past week when doing a model of our office front lobby. When I looked at the picture the window had been all washed out and I couldn't see anything outside. :|

Now that I look at it the colors do seem a bit flat...

Thanks for taking a look guys!

2008-03-14, 06:05 AM
Alright, this has been fun guys and I think this pic will have to be the last one on this test!

Being a perfectionist and one to not let things rest, I wish I had turned the glare down a bit, changed some colors and added some other items a tad and made the room warmer and...

oi. I can't stop!!! :lol:

Thanks for the pointers and helpers guys! Its much appreciated. :beer: