View Full Version : Isolate Wall Styles

2008-02-28, 08:44 PM
Description: I would like to be able to isolate wall styles in ADT. For instance, through the style manager you have 20 different wall styles in the current drawing. You want to isolate one of them so that is the only on visible.

How Used: When making changes or updates, it would allow a much quicker way of doing so. We are trying to implement new wall style company standards now. It would make things go alot quicker if we could isolate old wall styles, change them to the new style and purge the old one out.

Submitted By: Jodi Sherrell on January 9, 2008

2008-02-29, 08:31 AM
Yup - This is a good idea.

Its quite difficult to find all objects of a certain style in a drawing.

Say for instance I wanted to delete a style which was being (accidentally) used on one or two walls in my drawing - finding those walls is a long and laborious process.

QSELECT - is great - but it does not select by style.


2008-02-29, 09:16 AM
This can already be done.

You can select a wall style then right click and select similar, only that wall style will be selected, you can then use the isolate objects tool in the bottom right hand corner. See attached.

2008-03-03, 09:04 PM
Yes, select similar selects all of the items of the same style that are on the same layer. Because of the layer-keying that should be all of the same style items unless someone has changed one to another layer. There is a catch, tho. You have to be able to find the first one. In other words, if you want to find the one errant wall that is of a bogus style, then get clicking... I don't know of an easy way.

Oh wait, just thought of one. Create a new item and change it's style to that of the style you are looking for. Select it and select similar. Ok, not needed.


2008-03-05, 08:59 AM
Essentially what we need is a better version of the QSELECT command.

I would like to be able to select objects based upon a certain door style with a certain door width.

Select similar goes some way toward this - but you can't control exactly what it selects and what criteria it uses.

2008-04-01, 06:38 PM
I have something similar (select similar by attribute), the attributes are property set definitions.

Unfortunatley it's part of a 3rd party app so I can't share it, I just post to demonstrate how select similar could be improved to do what you want.

Also it owuld be a good idea to have a palette listing all the objects grouped by object type/style - just like the in the 3D dwf viewer, from this palette you sould then select the objects and make them visible invisible, transparent etc.
