View Full Version : interior schedule....

2008-02-28, 08:46 PM
anyway to adjust the apearance to lake it look like a "matrix"? I will need to group headings (which is simple enough to do) but i want to rotate the headings 90 degrees.

ie, have a heading called "wall"

sub heading under wall called "north", "south", "east", "west"

Then the headings i would like to rotate (because of their lengths) different discriptions an example of one may be 5/8" fiberock sheet board (maybe 4 discriptions per north, south, east, west)


2008-02-28, 09:23 PM
in the properties of that schedule, go to the format tab. Select the headings you want to rotate and change the orientation from horizontal to vertical

2008-02-29, 05:22 PM
thanks , i found it and tried it and there was no affect on the orientation. the sub catagories are very long and will only work in the vertical. but, the change to the vertical orientation didn't have any affect.

2008-02-29, 06:57 PM
You need to place the schedule on a sheet to see the effect

2008-02-29, 07:33 PM
yes keep in mind that column widths, etc. in the actual schedule view do not affect the schedule's appearance when placed on a sheet.

2008-02-29, 08:42 PM
thanks guys, i'll stop crying now

2008-02-29, 09:14 PM
Believe me it's not worth crying :-)