View Full Version : Nested Family Not Cutting in Plan

2008-02-28, 10:56 PM
I have a window family which has several casing families nested into it. The family loads fine, the casings swap as intended and the entire family cuts in plan and section as expected.

The problem arises when a window type is loaded which is short enough in height so that the bottom edge of the casing is above 4'-0" A.F.F. Of course if the cut plane is at the default height of 4'-0" A.F.F. then the window will not display much less be cut. So I add a plan region and set its height to 6'-0", for example, and the window displays cut, but the nested casing displays as though it is entirely below the cut plane. The same problem occurs if I change the cut plane of the view to 6'-0". When cut in section, the entire window family and casing displays properly cut.

2008-02-29, 04:56 PM
What is the nested elements category?
What happens when you change the cut plane in the window family?

2008-03-01, 02:37 AM
The nested families are of Window type. They display properly in the window family. When I change the cut plane in the window family all displays properly. When I load it into a project the same problem persists.

2008-03-01, 02:48 AM

I have a suggestion. I have seen families behave oddly in this way too, but not exactly as what you have. I would suggest setting the cut-plane height in your family to a height that cuts the window no matter what the height of your Type. Then reload it into your project. See if that fixes the issue. I have seen families refuse to cut in a project if the cut plane in the family isn't currently cutting the object - even when it's in a project.

Just a suggestion.

2008-03-01, 03:12 PM
Can you post the family so we can have a look at it please? It will be a lot easier for us. Thanks

2008-03-01, 03:59 PM
I changed the cut plane in the casing family and renested it into the window family. I changed the cut plane in the window family and reloaded it into the project. Now everything cuts as expected!
