View Full Version : Multiple bitmaps on an object

2008-02-29, 01:10 AM
I have lofted a model of a page of a newspaper that is partially rolled/folded. With one material I have applied the bitmap of a page of classified ads that covers the "page". I want to use another material to have the bitmap of a "display ad" in the lower right corner of the modeled page. I have been able to get this second "display ad" material sized, cropped and placed accurately. (I am just guessing that I need a second material because the "display ad" needs to be able to change its content.) I am hoping I will, with your help, be able to place the bitmap of the display ad over part of the "classified ads" of the entire page. But, so far, when I drag it onto the model it cancels out the "classified ad" bitmap. I can't get them both to render. I can get one or the other. Tired of wading through the VIZ 2008 help--really tired--I am casting my lot with this forum. Thanks very much.

2008-02-29, 03:57 AM
I would suggest, especially if you'd like to change the ad later, is to combine both to make one image in photoshop, with the classifieds being on one layer and the ad being on another. Then when you change it, just do it in photoshop, export the image, and re-render.

2008-02-29, 11:23 PM
I follow you, and thank you. But I would like to learn how to map these two bitmaps so that they both show up on the rendered surface. Can you point me in the direction I need to go? Would that be to unwrap the UVW of the "page" and generate a mapping to each of the parts? I'm not even very clear about what unwrapping UVW is, but it sounds promising.

2008-03-03, 02:25 PM
I'm no guru, but I think what you want is to use a multi/sub-object material. Check out this tutorial:

Using A Multi/Sub-Object Material in 3DS Max (http://www.pixel2life.com/publish/tutorials/51/using_multi_sub_object_materials_in_3ds_max_6/)