View Full Version : Controlling the Auto Dimension Defaults

2008-02-29, 11:28 PM
Sorry if I massacred the terminology in the title but the question refers to the positioning dimensions that automatically appear when you select a wall.

The dimension automatically defaults to the wall centerline and we always have to select the
witness line blue dot to drive it to a face.

Is there a way to control the default position on the witness line to force it to the interior or exterior core?

Thanks for your help on this.

Dimitri Harvalias
2008-03-01, 12:09 AM
From the menus
Settings > Temporary Dimensions

2008-03-03, 01:45 PM
It would be nice if you could set it to dimension to outside core face of exterior walls and core center of interior walls.

2008-03-03, 06:58 PM
Sounds like a good wish-list item....

2008-03-04, 09:01 PM

Thanks Dimitri, I knew it had to be that simple. That's one for this Thursday's user group meeting.

2008-03-27, 05:03 PM
On the same topic of auto dimensions......Anyone know why a auto dimension works for some objects and not for others?

2008-03-27, 07:07 PM
It won't work if the item selected is locked or fixed to something. There are probably other reasons but this is what I've found.

Additionally, I find it truly baffling as to what an auto dimension chooses to measure from - usually something absolutely obscure & irrelevant.

Anybody else?