View Full Version : families with type catalogs

Vincent Valentijn
2003-07-24, 01:57 PM
Does anyone have any problems with families with type catalogs recently? Our families with type catalogs don't work properly any more!
When we try to load a type, all the parameters appear IN the type name, instead of -typename and parameters displayed behind it- The only type we get loaded, is the default from the families.
This is like, a BIG problem.. and there seems to be no apparent reason for our families [which we have used so much in the past] not to work anymore... Is it the new built :?: :?: :?:

2003-07-24, 02:51 PM
still works here using build 1400 (the english version) the ineternation build is 1429, maybe a problem with that build?

Vincent Valentijn
2003-07-28, 10:04 AM
Maybe so.. on the 1400 version [EN] the families still worked anyway.

I hope anybody who runs into this problem with 1429 will let me know here, so at least we know where the problem might be.... BTW there seems to be no difference for the problem between 1429's English version or -in our case- the Dutch [NL] version.. we ran back to the English version as soon as possible since... Well.. the translations are really bad and awkward, also the contect which is specific for NL version [which is almost nothing.. most is poorly translated content] is pretty pathetic, it looks bad and doesn't even work well.. our own custom families however do (except for this type catalog bug).

anyway.. ;) let's get back to work!