View Full Version : Room Schedule "New" button

2008-03-04, 06:34 PM
Revit 2008.
I could have sworn one used to be able to put together an architectural program in a room schedule before drawing the building, i.e. open a new project, make a room schedule and put the list of rooms desired in there. Our template HAS rooms in it that are like this, i.e. their level parameter is "not placed." There are 3 buttons at the top, next to "Rows:" New Delete and Show. "New" is greyed out, so you cannot add more lines. What am I missing?

2008-03-04, 08:06 PM
Hi. That sounds like maybe a miss-matched version issue or rather like a bug. I have tried to replicate the behavior (phasing, design options) but no luck. I would see if you get the same behavior in another template or file.
Sorry I could not be of more help.
Best regards,

2008-03-04, 11:27 PM
Found it. You have to Itemize Every Instance.