View Full Version : Xref Path

2008-03-05, 01:15 PM
Hi This program is working perfectly and the Path to all Xref's are changed but when i close the drawing and open again it does not load
all the xref from the changed path even though all the xref drawings are there in the changed Path.

(defun C:XrefStripPath(/ )
(setq jbActiveDoc (vlax-get-property (vlax-get-acad-object) 'activedocument))
(vlax-for X (vla-get-blocks jbActiveDoc)
(= (vlax-get-property X "IsXRef") :vlax-true)
(setq ssfilter (list (cons 0 "INSERT")(cons 2 (vlax-get-property X "Name"))))
(setq blk (ssget "X" ssfilter))
(if blk
(setq Xobj (vlax-ename->vla-object (ssname blk 0)))
(setq Path (vlax-get-property xobj "Path"))
(setq Name (strcat (vlax-get-property X "Name") ".Dwg"))
(if (/= Path Name)
(vlax-put-property Xobj "Path" Name)
;(princ (strcat "The path for" (vlax-get-property x "Name") ".Dwg" "has been stripped!"))
(vlax-put-property Xobj "Path" (strcat Result "\\" Name))
(not (princ (strcat "\nNo path saved for" Name)))

(defun BrowseForFolder ( / sh folder folderobject)
(setq sh (vla-getInterfaceObject (vlax-get-acad-object) "Shell.Application"))
(setq folder (vlax-invoke-method sh 'BrowseForFolder 0 "" 0))
(vlax-release-object sh)
(if folder
(setq folderobject (vlax-get-property folder 'Self))
(setq result (vlax-get-property FolderObject 'Path))
(vlax-release-object folder)
(vlax-release-object FolderObject) result)

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