View Full Version : turn off interior elevation tags only?

2008-03-05, 07:54 PM
I find it very strange that Revit can categorize the difference between interior and building elevations in the project browser but it cannot recognize the two as being separate items in visibility graphics. I have tried searches but most workarounds seem to be pre Revit 08. Anyone have ideas on a good workaround?


2008-03-05, 09:16 PM
With 2008, you can manually select the interior elevations, and then enter the shortcut EH. This will hide the selected elements in the view. You can then use the light bulb tool on the View Control toolbar to see hidden elements and categories to un-hide them.

2008-03-05, 09:31 PM
That is the exact problem. Each time an interior elevation is added we have to "manually" check each floor plan view and turn it off.

It would be nice to have a subcategory of interior elevations and building elevations within the main category of elevations in VG. It seems strange to me that Revit breaks them up in the project browser but not in the VG.

2008-03-05, 09:40 PM
This is a big miss by Revit for all references. I've proposed visibility by categories several times. I know it even made it to the developers for discussion.

Visibility by category can be part of the view templates and your cad standards.
Hide by element cannot. It has to be manually checked in every view over and over during a project.

2008-03-05, 10:21 PM
That is what I was afraid of...good to hear that it has made it to the developer's ears.

I was hoping it was resolved somehow in the 08 release, I guess we'll have to wait for it.


2008-03-06, 05:44 PM
What I hate is that you have to select both the elevation tag AND each individual elevation arrow and hide all of them. If you just select the tag (with sheet reference) and hide it, the arrow itself (and the view reference) remains visible, and vice versa.

2008-03-07, 12:00 AM
We use a different elevation type for building, storefront and interior elevations. If we select the elevation box and key command "SA" for "select all" we get the box and all the arrows for that elevation reference type and then "hide element".

It still doesn't alleviate the requirement for the plan by plan search and destroy.

2008-03-07, 02:20 AM
I am intersted in seeing your storefront tag. Would you share it?

2008-03-07, 05:08 PM
I am intersted in seeing your storefront tag. Would you share it?

It's probably just a different sized square or circle. The square and circle elevation tags are the only types available, and the only real thing you can change about it graphics-wise is the size of said square or circle.

2008-03-07, 05:23 PM
This is what we need.....

2008-03-07, 05:52 PM
...we select the elevation box and key command "SA" for "select all" we get the box and all the arrows for that elevation reference type and then "hide element".

I was going to caution you about the "Select All Instances" selecting things in other Views, but this is actually a pretty slick trick.

Normally, you'll get yourself in trouble using "Select All Instances" because you end up picking things in Views that you may not be aware of. However, the reason it works in this case is because you use Hide in View...Elements. That's the trick - the "in View" part. That ensures that you're only hiding in your current View.

Brilliant ! :beer: