View Full Version : Wall Type Legend

2008-03-05, 09:27 PM
Does anyone create small sections of wall types with detail using a legend and referencing them in the model? I have several walls with different fire ratings that I would like to show a construction detail which I would like to reference on the floor plan with a wall or some other tag. I'm not sure how to go about doing this without creating a formal section. Any advice is appreciated


2008-03-06, 03:02 AM
There is a "legend" function to do exactly this. It allows you to create a legend using loaded families. Do a search in the help file for "legend" and it will explain the basics of creating one.

2008-03-06, 03:40 AM
There is a legend tool, but depending on what you want it to do you may want to use a live plan and/or section view. We do it with a phase that happens "after" the project. Using a live view, we can dimension the wall construction, and use a live wall tag, something we unfortunately cannot do in revit. Hopefully soon. :)