View Full Version : Mirroring a curtain system

2008-03-06, 04:07 PM
has anyone run into this before? I have a highrise that is pretty much symetrical east-west. I'm adding some tapered curtain systems at the setbacks and I'd like to just draw one side and mirror it over since they are essentially the same, but for some reason when I mirror the system all the panels on it reverse. inside becomes outside and panel offsets flip so it doesn't line up properly with the adjacent curtain walls. Is there any way to stop this from happening? or does any anyone know why its happening in the first place

2008-03-06, 05:50 PM
So what you're saying is that if you mirror the west curtain system (exterior facing west, interior facing east) over to the east side, the mirrored panels are still oriented with their exterior facing west?

2008-03-06, 06:47 PM
exactly, and since the curtain system is 3 dimensional I can't just turn the whole thing around.

2008-03-07, 07:08 PM

2008-03-07, 07:37 PM
Can you post a file with only the original curtain system and then the mirrored version with the incorrect panel orientation?

2008-03-10, 04:05 PM
the side on the right is drawn from the mass, and the side on the left was mirrored. I increased the offset on the glass to make it more obvious. In the actual project I have decorative louver panels that have inside and outside faces that make it really apparant something is wrong. the mullions and reference lines still line up, its jus the panels that flip.

Dimitri Harvalias
2008-03-10, 04:16 PM
I recall this issue being brought up in another post (I think it was sloped glazing?).
Not sure why it does this but the quick fix is to be sure you mirror the mass as well as the curtain wall. Once done just select the curtain wall on the mirrored side and 'remake'. That should flip the panels as needed.

2008-03-10, 05:05 PM
I recall this issue being brought up in another post (I think it was sloped glazing?).
Not sure why it does this but the quick fix is to be sure you mirror the mass as well as the curtain wall. Once done just select the curtain wall on the mirrored side and 'remake'. That should flip the panels as needed.

Would that make you end up with 2 masses in the same place (if the mass is symmetrical)?

Andre Carvalho
2008-03-10, 05:11 PM
I brought that issue a long time ago while doing a big curtain wall on a sloped face of a skyscraper... (maybe that's what you read, Dimitri?)

Anyway, on top of that, when trying to rotahe the curtain system grids to any different angle than 0, would flip the panels too. At that time I was using Revit 9. After contacting Autodesk, the only solution was remake all the panels backwards and upside down (go figure!) to replace the ones that were being flipped. That was a pain because the panels were very complicated with louvers, brackets, double glass, etc...

However, I haven't tried it on 2008 to see if the problem is still there.

Andre Carvalho

2008-03-11, 01:00 AM
I just created a curtain system by lines, then rotated/copied it 180 degrees and it works fine. See attached jpeg.

Andre Carvalho
2008-03-11, 04:54 PM
I just created a curtain system by lines, then rotated/copied it 180 degrees and it works fine. See attached jpeg.

So just open a new file in Revit 2008, build a rectangular box mass and apply a curtain system by face to one of its faces (you can even use the default 5' x 10' one). Then zoom at the corner and you will see that the glass panels offseet from the face. So far so good. Now, select the curtain system and go to its properties. Change the angle of the grid 1 Pattern to 5 degrees for instance and also change the angle of the Grid 2 Pattern to 5 degrees.

You will notice that the glass panels will flip to inside the mass. And that is just a simple glass panel. The project I was working at the time was using complex louvered panels. I could then see that it does more than just flip orientation: it also turns the panles upside down...

Take a look at the images from the mock-up I just did in Revit 2008 to see if the problem was still there. One image shows the panels at 0 degrees and the other one shows them flipped and upside down after applying 5 degrees (or any angle different than 0) to grid pattern 1 and 2.


Andre Carvalho

2008-03-11, 04:57 PM
I can copy them just fine, but a lot of these are on corners of the building and need to be mirrored instead of copied. It looks like mirroring the mass with the curtain system and remaking it works, although the spacing of some of the mullions shifted a little.

2008-03-11, 05:15 PM
Have you sent this to support. These reproducible things are what they need to fix. But without examples they can't do anything.

Andre Carvalho
2008-03-11, 05:34 PM
Have you sent this to support. These reproducible things are what they need to fix. But without examples they can't do anything.


We sent a support request explaining the problem more than a year ago, but no revit files included. I don't remember exactly what they said about it. I''ll try o find it./ But I'm pretty sure they are aware of this problem since (at least) december 2006.


Andre Carvalho

Andre Carvalho
2008-03-11, 05:49 PM
There you go! Flipping panels is a known issue and still has to be addressed.
Maybe someone can move this post to the known issues area.

The message below is from January 2007...

From: product.support.communications@autodesk.com
Sent: January 5, 2007 9:49 AM
Subject: SR# 1-1478549520 - Curtain Wall Panels Flipping


Autodesk Subscription

Dear Richard,
I apologize about the delay. I checked with development about this and currently this seems to be a limitation that development has scheduled to be addressed in a future release of Revit. Please let me know if there is anything that I can be of assistance in regards to this case.

Best Regards,

Rami Harb
Autodesk Support Team

2008-05-08, 09:44 PM
This was an issue in Architectural Desktop years ago (ADT3 I think) that was fixed there. I have the same problem when applying curtain systems to masses. The grid justification beginning and ending seems change by mass face without any logic. This also reverses the curtain panels as you have shown.

2008-05-09, 04:00 PM
That has been a known issue for a while. Same applies to slope glazing.
One of those things :-)