View Full Version : Floor visibility with rooms

2008-03-10, 01:15 PM
Im having problems with the floor visibilty after i place a room on it. Because when i do, it becomes hidden and i see right through it.

I've read about this problem on other websites but havent found any solution to this problem besides filled regions.

Is there no other way to fix this problem? The project im working on has to have the floorplan view depth set to unlimited to understand the building, so associative to the current level isnt an option.

Isnt there any other way to use rooms and an unlimited view depth?

(each floor plan is different, so seeing through floors gives a big mess)

Thanks in advance,
Joost van Rooijen

2008-03-10, 01:19 PM
As soon as color is added to rooms - the floors become transparent. This is documented in the help file and just is what it is in Revit. I do a color composite in Photoshop when I need to work around this.