View Full Version : More flexibility with View Templates

2008-03-11, 12:42 PM
It would be great to have more flexibilty with the 'creating and applying of view templates' feature.

Often i have found myself refineing/tweaking the settings of a particular view and then wanting to re-save this over the top of an existing view template. I'd like to be able to go to 'create view template from current view' and be able to simply select an existing view template to overwrite it. instead i find i have to remember and retype the exact name of the template so as it will overwrite. Sometimes I get it wrong and it becomes a new additional template. Do this a couple of times and things start to get a bit messy.

Being able to delete unwanted view templates would also be great. (This may be already possible, please correct me if so).

2008-03-11, 01:41 PM
Yes a drop down list of existing view templates would be handy. It is this sort of attention to the small things in the UI that Revit really misses.

As for deleting:
Settings > View Templates > Delete

2008-03-11, 07:01 PM
I don't know about a drop down list but there is a lot of added functionality that is being added to view templates in 2009. For instance you can choose which settings to apply (only scale, overrides, etc). It looks like the template creation is more friendly too, but I haven't had much time to look into it.
