View Full Version : Creating custom titleblocks

2008-03-11, 06:58 PM
Can you create multiple types of titleblocks within the same family file using the parameter tools? If so, how?
Is it possible to scale a titleblock, including the text. Right now we are able to scale the border, but not the text. For example, if we have an 11x17 titleblock set up, can we scale the entire thing to fit 24x36, rather than re-draw it?

2008-03-11, 07:48 PM
I think you are out of luck in regards to text scaling. Only thing you might try is having more than one text size included in the family, and use a yes/no visibility parameter to control which sizes you see in each titleblock type. At the end of the day, it might be best to just have more than one.

Just a thought....

2008-03-11, 09:11 PM
. For example, if we have an 11x17 titleblock set up, can we scale the entire thing to fit 24x36, rather than re-draw it?

Sounds to me like you are still thinking in terms of AutoCAD. As long as you create all of your various size title blocks with the same lables / parameters it is a snap to change a title block that has already been placed on a sheet. Just select the title block you wish to change, then from the type pull down menu select a different type of size title block. All of the information from the first title block will be filled into the newer one.

A tip on creating title blocks. Create one, make sure it works the way you want, then save as another type. re-size / draw the line work and move your lables. Your done! My typical 24x36 title block took me about 45 minutes to create and test. The rest of them


each took about 10 minutes or less.