View Full Version : Phases and Staged Consents

2008-03-13, 07:44 PM
Hi All,

Have had a good read through some of the other threads on phases as well as revits documentation but thought i would also post a query.

I am currently working on a large residential project that is being fast tracked in order to get the construction process underway a.s.a.p.
The project will contain a total of 4 buildings but split up into a variety of phases, such as foundations for building 1, then foundations for building 2, then construction of main building 1, construction of building 2, etc...

Currently we are about to apply for building consent with the local authority for the 1st stage (foundations of building 1) and ideally want to be able to show what is 'in' the consent and what is due to come in the following consents.

I was contemplating setting up phases now as it may be a good way for us to run the project.

What I am interested in finding out is how other people handle this type of project.
There is no demolition involved as everything is being built from scratch.
Would it be best to set up a Stage for each consent and then allocate each wall or footing to it's intended phase? Then set up a General Arrangement View that allows me to continue to model and draft everything at once, while also setting up other views that are phase specific but also show elements 'to come' greyscaled out?

Hope thats a clear explanation

2008-03-13, 09:47 PM
Absolutely, positively, set up phases correlating to each phase of construction. Then also set up views for each phase, with each view set to each particular phase, and the phase filter in each one set to Show Previous + New.

Now you will have to draw everything pertaining to each phase in that particular phase's view, but by doing that, you won't have to go back and select different objects and switch them to different phases.

Gadget Man
2008-03-14, 05:49 AM
... Now you will have to draw everything pertaining to each phase in that particular phase's view, but by doing that, you won't have to go back and select different objects and switch them to different phases.

I can't stress it hard enough - it's THAT important: following strictly the above rules and making a habit of it will go the looooong way and will help you in the long run.

To sumarise:
1) Create separate views (copies of your basic floor plan view) for each phase. Name them accordingly (e.g. Foundations Building 1, Ground Floor Building 1, etc.)
2) Set each one of them to the corresponding phase.
3) Set each view's phase filter to "Show Previous + New"
4) Create all the objects belonging to that phase in its view.

Just remember this: in the real life, as you can't see right now objects that WILL BE created in the future (but don't exist yet now) you can't see them in Revit in the phase BEFORE they were created in. If you created your Building 1 Ground Floor walls in the phase AFTER phase "Building 1 footings" you won't be able to see them in the phase "Building 1 footings".