View Full Version : Project Data

2008-03-17, 08:48 PM
I'm sure I'm doing this wrong, but here's my problem. I have my borders set up with fields that read the information I put for the project. Project number, Location, etc. It works perfectly as long as the sheets I'm printing are part of the project that is currently open. If someone needs, sheet A-101 for example, for another project I would just open it through the open dialogue box and print that one sheet, rather than closing the current project, opening that project, printing 1 sheet, closing the project etc etc.

Problem is, it's picking up the info on the title block for the project that's open. Is this because I messed up the fields or is that just how it is? Do I have to close the current project, open another one just to print one sheet?

2008-03-18, 11:28 PM
You are going to have to switch projects if you want to work on drawings from another one.

2008-03-24, 02:01 PM
I understand that, but I just want to be able to print out a sheet or 2 without having to switch. Is that too much to ask!?!:lol:

2008-03-24, 10:16 PM
I understand that, but I just want to be able to print out a sheet or 2 without having to switch. Is that too much to ask!?!:lol:
No, it is not too much to ask. But you are still going to have to switch projects if you want the fields to show the correct data. :cry:

2008-03-25, 01:49 PM
No, it is not too much to ask. But you are still going to have to switch projects if you want the fields to show the correct data. :cry:
Yeah, I know. :(
I wonder why they can't make it so that the fields link to the project .xml file no matter which one is current. That way, all the fields would stay correct.

2008-04-01, 02:21 PM
This is definatly on my list of complaints for the PN.
I would suggest opening a new Acad session and open your drawings from there but i'm sure the fields are going to be blank if the project isnt open also.

2008-05-05, 05:11 AM
I was not able to duplicate this problem....

I have found that AEC fields that linked to specific projects would not change even when opened while another project is active....

Also, I often create templates for a variety of purposes that use fields quite a bit, and these don't start showing project data until they have been imported into the project. then they start to show data.

The tests I setup were with both fields on constructs and with sheet setups. In both cases, field values were maintained even when these files were opened while other projects were open....

Could you upload one of these files as an example, so i could open it and see if they do something else?

2008-05-05, 02:23 PM
I was not able to duplicate this problem....

I have found that AEC fields that linked to specific projects would not change even when opened while another project is active....

Also, I often create templates for a variety of purposes that use fields quite a bit, and these don't start showing project data until they have been imported into the project. then they start to show data.

The tests I setup were with both fields on constructs and with sheet setups. In both cases, field values were maintained even when these files were opened while other projects were open....

Could you upload one of these files as an example, so i could open it and see if they do something else?
When you say AEC fields, are you talking about call outs and title blocks in the view drawings? If so, you're correct, they stay with the project they are associated with. I'm referring to fields created from Mtext that link to the project data such as project name, project date, etc.

2008-10-28, 07:13 PM
I see this thread is getting old, but I am having the exact same issue and found this with a search. The funny thing is that in my title blocks, the Project Name field is reading the correct data (from the original project) but the Owner’s name and address is reading from the current project. When I change the project that is current and regenerate the drawing, the Owner’s name updates, but the Project Name stays the same. They are each linked to a subset of the AEC Project field category, but there are no other differences that I can tell. Unfortunately, I plotted & sent out the whole set before I realized what happened. The owner was not amused…