View Full Version : fatal error on save with autocad import

2008-03-18, 03:37 PM
we've recently had revit files crashing when they have had autocad files imported into them. one person in our office renamed the original autocad file and it seems to have fixed his crash. i crashed several times this morning and then someone else working on the autocad file saved and now my revit file is not crashing...VERY STRANGE. we've not changed anything in the last week with either autocad or revit. the other really annoying thing is it said it was going to make a recovery file and it didn't...lot's of work lost this morning.

has anyone else had this experience? any explanations?

Andre Carvalho
2008-03-18, 04:31 PM
When you say revit crashes, does it shows any message when it crashes?

After you renamed your DWG file, have you reloaded it into Revit, or just renamend it and tried to work with Revit?

Have your tried to see if there's no problem with teh dwg file (Auditing)?

Andre Carvalho

2008-03-18, 04:54 PM
i got an error message that said ' fatal error ' and told me it had to be shut down and did i want to 'save as' or cancel. no error number was given...

we did not reload... the third time i started the file, my co-worker had already saved the autocad file he was working in so when i imported it that time it came in fresh. when it crashed, my file was gone even though i told it i wanted to do the recovery and hit save as.

auditing the acad file did not find anything but that was after we saved the autocad file and the problem seemed to go away.

Andre Carvalho
2008-03-18, 05:38 PM

That's wierd.
One more question: Are you just importing or linking the DWG file?

Andre Carvalho

2008-03-18, 06:12 PM
we are importing...

2008-03-18, 07:32 PM
is there a raster image in the dwg? This always causes a crash. Try removing the image from the dwg.

2008-03-20, 06:06 PM
I have the same problem, working thru the tutorial and importing the tutorial file per the tutoria instructions. I'm using Revit Structure 2008.


2008-03-20, 07:39 PM
we do use alot of raster files for vicinity maps and such, so thanks for the heads up. unfortunately, neither of these files had any raster images in them.

2008-03-20, 08:44 PM
Imports can be, um, problematic. I'll stick to political language here. Best practice is to Link, and then to the current view only, you can keep track of them a lot better and when they go, um, 'bad' you can quickly remove/replace without shall we call them 'residual effects.'

Coupla' other thoughts: is your filepath, including the filename, longer than 256 characters? Also consider where the file is located, does everyone working on the Revit project see that location as the same (e.g. if it is on the K-drive for you, is that also the K-drive for everyone else on the team?).

Also, the point that was made about images is true, but was a big fix in several of the new builds for 2008 (RA, RS, and RMEP). If you're not on the 20080101_2345, see if you can get the latest build and deploy it.

Good luck and HTH,

2008-03-20, 09:42 PM
I had a similar problem a month or two back and found that it was linked to open GL function.

It was quite strange as the the video card I use is one which is regularly recommended for use with Revit (particularly in open GL) and I had been using it in the Open GL for 6 months or more - linking and importing AutoCad files at will, until for no apparent reason it chose to spit out one particular AutoCad file. This file was locally produced on my computer using AC2008 but nevertheless, Revit took an immediate dislike to it, even though I purged and Audited relentlessly.

Once I switched off open gl in Advance Graphics, there was no further problem.

I am still not sure what the actual issues was, however I hope this helps you.

