View Full Version : Keynote legend

Carlos GT
2008-03-19, 03:13 PM
I was checking the keynote legend function and I think it is very powerful, it could save a lot of time when you create a building section, I notice that if you want to assign a keynote to any element you have to choose from a file category included in Revit. But is there a way to create your own keynote legend?

2008-03-19, 03:21 PM
The file you are talking about is a txt file and can be modified as needed. Check under Settings - Keynoting...

2008-03-19, 04:07 PM
keynotes are great, the only limitation that I can see is that (1) keynote has a maximum of 1028 characters.

John Fleming
GMK Architecture, inc.

Carlos GT
2008-03-19, 05:03 PM
How can I change the font in the keynotes? I noticed that always is in Arial.

2008-03-19, 05:15 PM
Simply edit the tag or schedule family.

Carlos GT
2008-03-19, 07:12 PM
I got it. Thanks.