View Full Version : Phasing and hiding surface patterns

2004-09-01, 11:08 PM
Hi all,

I have a job that has an existing and a new phase.
In the elevations the existing phase is showing roof & wall hatching, how do I turn that off.
I've tried adjusting the Phase-exist material with no luck.
The existing and new work use the same wall & roof types.

Do I have to fudge it by copying the wall type and having one without surface hatching?

Kim Heaver

2004-09-01, 11:35 PM
make sure that the elevation view is set to the right phase filter. I believe that "show previous and new" is the one that you want. Probably what is happening is that the phase filter that you have for that elevation view is set to show existing elements as "by category" instead of overridden to the phase exist material. Go into settings->phases to see how the filters are set to display.

2004-09-02, 02:24 AM
make sure that the elevation view is set to the right phase filter. I believe that "show previous and new" is the one that you want. Probably what is happening is that the phase filter that you have for that elevation view is set to show existing elements as "by category" instead of overridden to the phase exist material. Go into settings->phases to see how the filters are set to display.

I've changed the view to "show previous and new" but it doesn't help,
"Existing" is "overridden"

The line pattern responds to changes but the material doesn't seem to make any difference.


2004-09-02, 05:36 AM

what I usually do when I have "phases". For existing walls, I have a Material setting called Phase - Exist which I give it a RGB color of 192-192-192 or a soft grey. then when creating "new" existing walls, roofs, etc rather than nominating "masonry - brick" in the material edit assemblies section, I select Phase - Exist as the material then the existing structure is "greyed out"

clear as mud... HTH

2004-09-02, 05:52 AM

I think the phase fiters are not so sophisticated as to offer the option of simply switching off surface pattern, which is what you seem to want, but if you use the over-ride filters in an appropriate phase filter and select an appropriate material with no surface pattern you should get what you want.

In simple terms applying an override simply makes the material show with a forced different material in those views that use that filter, so if you use something the default phase materials you should be okay, though I have a feeling that in Shaded with Edges displays they will still show the surface patterns.

2004-09-02, 03:28 PM
Look in the graphic overrides tab of the phases dialog. Is existing material set to phase exist? that's the only other thing I can think to check

Allen Lacy
2004-09-02, 03:50 PM
Check out this thread (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=3202). I do what bladams does.

2004-09-02, 10:30 PM
Thanks all,

I think that bladams's suggestion is the way to go, while it seems that you should be able to override the existing material it doesn't seem to work that way.

Thanks all,

2007-07-06, 05:53 PM
Now I'm really dredging the depths of the forums - 2004 baby...

So, same bat issue, same bat program.

I've got ceiling tiles in an existing building. I want the line style to change to Demo when the ceiling is demolished, of course. However, I also want the pattern to show as demolished as well. Since this is a surface pattern, it won't do this. It seems that surface and cut patterns have no effect for the Phase Demo material, because I can set them to be anything I want and yet none of the objects change in any views. Can someone explain the "why" for me. It seems rather dumb. If you are going to make those material settings "meaningless" in certain cases, at least have the decency to gray them out!

So, I've got two options as far as I can tell. 1. Override the graphics of the particular elements in the view - sucky. 2. Create filter and use that to override the demo objects - oh wait, I can't use phase in visibility graphics filters - so I have to add another parameter or put the text "demo" or the like in the comments field - none of which I can link to the phase parameters. - so sucky too, though not as sucky...

Anyone found a workaround for this? It is frustrating to have all this power and then be told - oops, not this time.

Edit - Edited because I typed fritters rather than filters. Must be donut time at the office...

2024-04-19, 07:46 PM

I had a similar issue where my client wanted to see the actual color of the elevations rather than the phasing colours. The work around I did was created a new phase filter with the new and existing filter shown as (by category) and labeled it elevations only.