View Full Version : USA Building Codes

2004-09-02, 02:01 AM
Im not sure where else to put this so i hope its in the right forum. Im wondering if any of my Kind neighbours to the house would be able to help me locate someplace that I can purchase the following US building codes. I've tried purchasing them from the source but they've told me that because these are older codes they dont publish them any more. The codes I need are:

1 copy of the 1996 National Electrical Code, 2 copies of the 1993 BOCA National Plumbing Code and 2 copies of the 1994 NFPA 101 Life & Safety

any help anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated.

2004-09-02, 02:31 AM
Im not sure where else to put this so i hope its in the right forum. Im wondering if any of my Kind neighbours to the house would be able to help me locate someplace that I can purchase the following US building codes. I've tried purchasing them from the source but they've told me that because these are older codes they dont publish them any more. The codes I need are:

1 copy of the 1996 National Electrical Code, 2 copies of the 1993 BOCA National Plumbing Code and 2 copies of the 1994 NFPA 101 Life & Safety

any help anyone could give me would be greatly appreciated.

I found the 1996 code being offered here:
for 52USD

And 1993 BOCA National Plumbing Code offered here:

1994 NFPA 101 Life & Safety here:
This takes you to a link to Amazon, where it is listed
as LIMITED availability.

2004-09-02, 03:31 AM
Try ebay. I purchased the 2000 Int. Residential Code on ebay earlier this year. You may need to be a little patient to get what you are looking for, but from what I remember there was a large number of codes being sold. Good luck.

2004-09-02, 11:00 AM
A big thank you. The help is much appreciated :D