View Full Version : Using a tablet for creating markups

2008-03-24, 02:36 AM
In an effort to reduce printing costs, waste, etc we are trying to get some of our more seasoned staff to use various applications to markup "digital drawings" rather than actual paper. A lot of our seasoned staff are not computer savvy and would just prefer to use a red pen on paper.

We have tried getting them to use Design Review with a mouse, but that method of inputting does not work for them. So, we are thinking about getting a couple tablets for "testing to see how they work for some staff.

Has anyone done this? What did/do the user's think? Are/were they computer savvy or not?


2008-04-01, 04:07 PM
Are you referring to a stylus and tablet or digitizer and tablet? As long as the software accepts the input device, I don't see why it would not work. Pick up one and test it out, maybe have some of the dinosaurs try it out on your machine before ordering a few. Oh and tell them to get with the times, the mouse has only been around since 1981, you'd think after 27 years they'd get the hang of it. But I know there are many who openly refuse technology.