View Full Version : Filled Region gets in the way

2008-03-24, 05:45 PM
Hi all,

I have a linked Revit file in my host file and have linked a .dwg into the host file and placed it over the linked Revit file. The problem is when I go to print, the filled regions from the linked Revit file cover up the .dwg I have linked into the host file. I have it set to foreground, but it dosen't seem to matter. The weirdest thing is, the .dwg is visibile over the filled regions in the view, but not in the plot preview. Any ideas?

2008-03-24, 05:50 PM
See if plotting as raster helps. When I see strange plot output in the office it is usually from vector output.

2008-03-24, 06:16 PM
Cool, that did the trick. Real quick, what is the biggest difference in plotting from vector rather than raster?

2008-03-24, 07:24 PM
Vector plotting uses actual vector information for objects, like x,y,z coordinates, distance, angles, etc. Raster just converts the view to bitmap image information, like when you export to an image file.

As you can imagine, vector usually produces cleaner, sharper, more accurate drawings, while raster printing will sometimes have pixelations and fuzzy artifacts around the lines on the paper.