View Full Version : Column Bubbles - Different Scales

2008-03-25, 08:25 PM
Hello All,

This seems like a rather easy question. I've searched through the forums, but have not been able to come across an answer.

By default, the Revit Column Grid Heads are 1/4" Circles. These look terrific on my drawings that are 1/8" plans. However, the standard grid heads start to look very clunky at smaller scales (for example 1/16" or 1" = 30').

I know that I can create a new grid family type, that uses a different grid head which is smaller. But changing the family affects all views, regardless of scale.

Is there anyway to get the column bubble to appear way at certain scales, and at smaller scales? This question also goes for level markers, as we often have sections at smaller scales.

Thanks in advance.


2008-04-24, 03:44 PM
I'm curious to know how others are handling this as well. We currently have to turn off the bubbles at different scales and just place a detail component of the bubble at the appropriate scale. Is there a better way?

Dimitri Harvalias
2008-04-24, 04:34 PM
No way I've found other than a similar method described by cblackford. I don't turn the girds off I just turn off the heads and place a dummy annotation family at the end of the grid.

In most cases at those smaller scales I won't show all grids anyway. Just the extreme 'boundary' grids to define the extent of the project and orient the reader. This would have been the convention in the hand drafted days (and I'm really old) and when you think about it, it does make sense.

2008-04-25, 04:54 AM
Wellll...you could create a separate project with the same grid layout and link it. Use a grid type that uses a smaller grid bubble. I assume this smaller condition only shows up in a few views so if you are using worksets you could put the link on a workset that is not visible in views by default and just turn it on in a few. Then shut off the regular grids by using Hide in View > by element. If there are a lot of grids then it might be better than detail components added to various views. Also Copy/Monitor used in the separate file could make it easier to make sure they don't get out of sync than checking detail components.

Just a thought....

2008-04-25, 05:08 AM
Not a very "orthodox" way but could work...create a titleblock larger than your standard (for example twice your original). Now use the same girds but bump your view scale up so when you print at 50%, the scale goes down to the one you want and your grid bubbles will be half in size. The scale will have to be removed from the view title and typed in manually. This is a technique we use for Addenda to fit more on one small page.

2008-04-25, 05:12 AM
I'm thinking "inside" the box...you're clearly outside the box :smile: Your suggestion is simpler...

2008-04-25, 05:15 AM
Steve, it's a side effect of too much ADT/Autocad and model space ;)

2008-04-27, 01:53 AM
Anyone tried using Visibility for this?
Course Detail scales have 1 type of grid bubble
Medium Detail Scales have 1 type of bubble
Fine Detail scales have 1 type of bubble
all in the 1 family

2008-04-27, 02:30 AM
It would have been a brilliant idea; the only caveat is that there's no such control for annotation families :)