View Full Version : Detail Components in Wall Types

2008-03-27, 05:19 PM
I have seen user's wall types with detail components imbedded into them (i.e. sill plates, anchor bolts, etc.). Can someone shed some light on how this is accomplished?


Andre Carvalho
2008-03-27, 05:32 PM
Sometimes people add a Detail component directly to the family. Since they are view specific, they are handy and will only show in sections or plans or only when the family is cut for instance. Also, you can control their visibility too.

For instance, if you have a detail component for a windows frame, you can load it to your windows family and add it there, in a section view. Then each time you cut your window in Revit, it will show the detail.

Mullions are another example. You can add a detail component to it rather than modelling all the complexes shapes it might have. You just do the basic profile but since the detail component is added to the mullion profile, when you cut the mullion, it will show it properly.

Andre Carvalho

2008-03-27, 05:34 PM
I see the concept in placing detail components in families, but how does one go about "imbedding" detail compoments in system families (i.e. walls, roofs, ceilings, etc.)?


Andre Carvalho
2008-03-27, 05:42 PM
I see the concept in placing detail components in families, but how does one go about "imbedding" detail compoments in system families (i.e. walls, roofs, ceilings, etc.)?


Well, in walls you can create a profile, load a Detail Component to it and place it there. After, use invisible lines to create a small profile (just because you can't load a profile without any profile lines on it).

Then in your project, edit your wall and add a sweep to it, loading your profile. The detail component will be attached to your wall.

I have to think about roofs and ceilings...

Andre Carvalho

2008-03-28, 02:55 AM
This is an interesting topic... I understand the concept of adding detail components to families as well, and I also understand the hatch patterns that represent materials within a wall section or plan view.

But how would you go about having a stud component with bottom and top tracks indicated when viewed in section? Do you load separate Profiles that looks like a bottom and top track and then use a wall sweep?

What about Batt insulation?

I'm interested in seeing if any of this is possible?

Good Topic....


Andre Carvalho
2008-03-28, 04:34 AM
This is an interesting topic... I understand the concept of adding detail components to families as well, and I also understand the hatch patterns that represent materials within a wall section or plan view.

But how would you go about having a stud component with bottom and top tracks indicated when viewed in section? Do you load separate Profiles that looks like a bottom and top track and then use a wall sweep?

What about Batt insulation?

I'm interested in seeing if any of this is possible?

Good Topic....



This is a rough detail of batt insulation / stud / etc.../ embedded into a tinny invisible wall profile. Also, the window has embedded details to it. Both together, makes possible to have details showing properly doesn't matter where you cut. However, since there's no parameter to control the detail height, we have problems if try to work with different wall heights.

Attached you will find more about what I'm trying to say. You will see 2 section: One crossing the wall and the other crossing the wall and the window. The embedded detail works on both sections. Changing the window size and the sill height also works great.

It is a starting point and the idea can be worked from here.

I hope you like it.


Andre Carvalho

Alex Page
2008-03-28, 06:35 AM
An oldie but a goodie:


the first attachemnt has gone but read it and download later attachments and they shown it pretty well

BUT BE warned!!!

I feel a bit worried about this technique: Your BIM model is meant to show things correctly - if you automate deail components into, say, walls, they will also show in conditions that are incorrect (ie: if your section goes through a door or window etc etc)

The post above is one of my favorites - someone finds a new trick, and you can 'feel' the excitment rippling through the the replies:mrgreen:

2008-03-28, 01:59 PM

This is a rough detail of batt insulation / stud / etc.../ embedded into a tinny invisible wall profile. Also, the window has embedded details to it. Both together, makes possible to have details showing properly doesn't matter where you cut. However, since there's no parameter to control the detail height, we have problems if try to work with different wall heights.

Attached you will find more about what I'm trying to say. You will see 2 section: One crossing the wall and the other crossing the wall and the window. The embedded detail works on both sections. Changing the window size and the sill height also works great.

It is a starting point and the idea can be worked from here.

I hope you like it.


Andre Carvalho

That works awesome. I'll have to give it a try....


2008-03-28, 04:46 PM
Just writing up some info on Details.... haven't quite finished, but might be of use to some new users out there...



Andre Carvalho
2008-03-28, 05:03 PM
Nice text Justin. But we are talking about the possibility of having details that are part integrated in a wall, so it will shows always, doesn't matter where you cut your section.

However, as Alex said, it has its pros and cons...

Andre Carvalho